A review by raven168
Damien by Jacquelyn Frank


It should be obvious by my rating that I was pretty disappointed with this book of the series. I know a lot of people really liked it, but if I had to use one word to describe it, I would choose 'boring'. Because that's what it pretty much was to me. There was so much talk talk talk blah blah blah of things over and over. Okay, yes, there was some action here and there...but not enough to make me say I liked this one.

I expected a more thrilling book coming from the vampire prince, but it totally fell short of that. With the discovery of the library in the last book, Syreena is appointed to it by her sister. And the first day on the job she gets kidnapped by Ruth while out trying to collect herself after some teasing from Damien. He goes after her of course and eventually saves her, but not before Ruth gets in a little bit of torture. After the escape, Damien does something highly taboo for his people to save her. And pays for it soon after. After they're both up again, they just can't seem to help their attraction toward the other. Even though they're in someone else's house with them in the next room! I thought it kind of rude of them all things considered. Anyway... Once they're back in lycanthrope territory Syreena takes issue with how Damien makes her feel because of all that is expected of her as a princess. When Damien gets frustrated that she won't think and decide for herself, he leaves. And then they both mope around in their respective homes for three long, tedious days. Even once they finally get together, the story really doesn't move along much. There's some serious issues with Damien's best friend Jasmine because she doesn't want Syreena to ruin what she and Damien have amongst other things. And of course there's other vampires to deal with as well. Toward the end, Syreena does something stupid because she's angry at Damien and could very well have gotten the three of them killed or more seriously injured. And then all of a sudden we're skipping ahead a whole bunch of months for the epilogue and their wedding.

We do learn a little about the vampire society and the myths surrounding them. And we learn that Ruth has recruited a powerful ally to her side. And that's about it. I did love that we finally got introduced to the shadowdweller chancellors though. I have actually already read that series because I didn't realize that it technically happens after this one, so I was excited when Tristan and Malaya show up. Conversely, I was pretty upset by the fact that we did not get the story from any of the other main characters this time around. Except a little from Elijah.

I'm hopeful that Noah's book next will be much better. And if nothing else, I really hope he's not turned into some love struck sap like Elijah and Damien were made into.