A review by edshara
The Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste


This book was great from start to finish! The Jumbies features themes like self-acceptance, family, friendship and loyalty mixed with Caribbean(specifically Haitian) folktales to create a truly immersive story. The writing style is quite captivating and so well done that it is easy to imagine Corinne's island home. Tracey Baptiste also did a really good job of showing and telling while sharing Corinne's adventure.

Corinne was a pretty solid character and I liked seeing a character of color that was so well rounded. Corinne was brave and fiesty, even though she struggled with moments of fear and uncertainty and even though she made mistakes, she was willing to learn from them. I liked the growth of her friendships with Bouki, Malik and Dru. I think it was a good representation of the ups and downs of childhood relationships. Corinne's relationship with her dad was nice to read about and I loved how they loved each other. Its always nice to see positive parental characters, especially in MG fiction.

I liked that even though Bouki and Malik started off as "typical" boys, they seemed to grow throughout the events in the book. Malik was probably my favorite character and I loved how he was able to effectively communicate. Bouki was a great representation of a good older brother. It was nice to see a postive relationship between siblings(instead of the jerky older sibling and/or the bratty younger sibling). I liked his sense of loyalty and how once he was in, he was all in. Dru was my least favorite character. I know she's a child and ultimately she did some good, however, overall she was too wishy washy for my taste. I wouldn't trust her.

When it came to the end and the taking down of the main Jumbie, I thought that part of the story was a bit weak. While I appreciated the meaning behind the "weapon" used to get rid of the Jumbie, it just felt a bit tame, especially after some of the other events in the book. I'm not really sure what I was expecting but I think I was looking for something more...

It was surprising to see how some of the things at the end weren't fixed by magic. I think I was expecting the book to follow the idea that some bad things happened, lets use magic to fix it and make everything better. It was interesting to see that their were some losses, all around, and they were left as is. The only problem I had with that part of the book was it seemed a bit blunt as if the losses didn't matter or the hurt wasn't valid (basically it felt like we hurt them, so they hurt us, accept it).

Some of my favorite quotes:

-"How long will it take for her to grow back, Papa?" This was found in Chapter 2 and within the context of the paragraph it just hit me in the feels.

-"But like everything else, the harder something is, the stronger you become." This was found in Chapter 27 and was part of a monologue by the white witch, that was relatable and had so much TRUTH in it.

Overall this book was so much fun and while a little creepy, I think it was an overall great read and I would definitely recommend it. I can't wait to read Book 2, Rise of the Jumbies.