A review by finesilkflower
Savage Love: Straight Answers from America's Most Popular Sex Columnist by Dan Savage


This collection of Dan Savage columns from the 90s is dated, but still entertaining. Organized by broad topics, it's a fairly comprehensive introduction to Dan's irreverent and often alarmingly pragmatic sex/dating/relationship/life advice. Many of his views have evolved since then (for the better), and he's gained some new taglines, but the basic outline of his outlook on life is certainly recognizable if you're familiar with Dan's column or podcast.

One thing that I've noticed in particular that's changed since 1998: Dan has seemed to mellow and get nicer. Or maybe that's just my perception because of the podcast. In the column, especially early columns, Dan tends to be acerbic and flip, but in the podcast he is much kinder, particularly when talking to callers on the phone. If you basically like the letters and the advice but you find the tone a little too mean, try the podcast.