A review by labunnywtf
Cat's Claw by Amber Benson


Started reading this on the plane on the way to (and from) The Florida Film Festival, where I saw Amber's new movie Drones and met her. She is AWESOME.

4-25 -- For those of you who were disappointed with Death's Daughter and didn't want to continue the series, I have to say, give it a chance (no pun intended).

The issues I had with Callie in the first book aren't completely gone, but she's grown so much during the seemingly short period between the first book and the second, she's not near as annoying as I found her in the first.

The story is also much more well planned out than the first. I had such difficulty on the first one following exactly what was happening, and with this one, I didn't get confused until the very end, and that was because I had too much excitement happen between reading the first chapters and the last. The lovely author herself screwed up my concentration.

I knew Who Dunnit pretty much from the beginning, but let's face it, Fantasy is not Mystery. Fantasy doesn't set out to fool you. So I don't expect as much from works of Fantasy as I do mysteries. And there were still a couple of "No way!" moments, which made it all the more worth it.

I think the series will only get better from here. Amber is obviously having fun with writing, and the more she writes, the better she knows her own characters, and the more they'll grow. So I'm not giving up on her yet.