A review by merlin_reads
The Offering by Kimberly Derting


 This one may have been my favorite of the series and it still was just ok.

Once again, Queen Charlie decides that keeping important information to herself is best. You know, because this worked out so well for her last time. She puts everyone around her in danger all because she can't freaking ask for help. That's not a good Queen. A Queen has advisers for a reason. Let them advise!

What made this book interesting were the side characters: Eden, Xander, Sage - the ones who actually thought out plans and were smart about their actions. Eden in particular really drove this installment. And through that we got to see her past and why she is the way that she is. I really enjoyed learning more about her and wished that the author would have focused more on that character than some of the others. Also Sage, another good character who could have been expanded more instead we just barely grazed the surface of this Princess.

A character I could have used less of (beside Charlie): Brooklyn. Oh my god, her and her "I'm tough" "I'm commander" "I'm badass cause I wear leather." Bitch please. You manage to be annoying and destructive at the same time. I felt nothing for her throughout this entire series and really don't understand Aron's draw to her, but I guess the Ron/Hermione pairing needed to be included here. (More so the best friends of the main character getting together than actual Hermione smarts).

Overall, it was an ok series. It had some interesting parts, some good parts, and some not so good parts. I didn't get the love story aspect and I didn't really feel anything for Charlie. It's one that I'll probably forget about because it just wasn't memorable to me. *shrugs*