A review by alyssaindira
Fifty Shames of Earl Grey: A Parody by Andrew Shaffer, Fanny Merkin


**No spoilers were harmed in the making of this review**

"I have found my purpose: to be a doormat for this ridiculously wealthy, attractive,impossible-to-resist man."

So right off the bat, this is a 50 shades parody, so nothing in this book is meant to be serious. You read this for fun, you read this for laughs, You arent supposed to be up in arms about this or deeply upset over...anything that occurred. I will say upfront, i couldnt get through the first 50 shades boook, it was too cringe, in the bad way, but the movies were sexy. But this book, yes, it was cringe. BUT, it was the fun cringe, not the grimance cringe, it was the kind of cringe that just makes you go 'oh mygoodness why' but still keep reading, not the kind of cringe that is like 'ooof....no, just no' That being said, I was laughing my buns off at this novel. The sexy scenes were the best part! Not because of their sexyness, but because of their HUMOR. I didnt know being in that environment could be so funny, oh ym goodess. And the dialogue, both the spoken and outspoken, just the remarks, hilarious. I do have tosay that the writing was either too detailed and clunky or too spacious and airy, there was no in between. And some descriptions/pattern of events did not make sense, But I think its because thats just how the pacing was supposed to be, idk. And the characters were....very one dimensional and just kinda there. Anna is clumspy and inexperienced. And Gray is domineering and sexy. YUp. thats about it. But those things do not really matter much, because the story is freaking hilarious and its a fun and quick read. And there were twilight references galore. Remember, this is all my opinion, if you want your own read the book