A review by misssusan
King Maker by Maurice Broaddus


Well that was a disappointment. =( I had such high hopes for this book, I was looking forward to it months before it released. I mean a King Arthur retelling set in downtown Indianapolis? Starring a mostly POC cast with the side benefit of a cover model who is not whitewashed and is also pretty smoking hot? SOLD, anticipation levels through the ROOF. But this whole thing was full of what was imo unnecessarily graphic violence and misogyny with no real pay off for making it through. I mean when I read a King Arthur story I expect Arthur to make things better you know? I don't expect to be subjected to scenes of torture and side-eye inducing representations of women while the Arthur figure faffs around the edges occasionally making remarks about his repressed anger and feeling like he's a got a destiny or whatever. Hurry and step it up then King, you need to do a little more to keep my interest than just be the reincarnation of King Arthur. I'm regretting wasting so much time forcing myself through this book hoping it'd get better. Won't be picking up the sequel.