A review by chelseayedinak
Unearthed: A Jessica Cruz Story by Lilliam Rivera


*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I really really really love Jessica Cruz. She is such a cool character and I'm so glad I'm getting to see more of her in the popular DC world. In this story, she is an undocumented teenager worrying and fighting to keep her family together and safe from the rising xenophobia and ICE deportations in her town. First off, I adored this art. It's much more stylized but it works so well with the story. The depictions of the gods are particularly beautiful scenes. I appreciated seeing Jessica's struggles so clearly represented by these two sides vying for her to join them. I wasn't a huge fan of her friends, with the exception of John, but they were realistically flawed so I can appreciate that. I think this is an excellent example of how superhero stories can tackle timely issues and resonate in any era.