A review by beastreader
Goodbye, Sweet Girl: A Story of Domestic Violence and Survival by Kelly Sundberg


I really appreciate Kelly Sundberg for having the courage to share her story. Maybe others who find themselves in this type of situation or in the beginning or one will find the strength to get out. I am fortunate that I am in a loving marriage. Although, my sister has not been as luckily. She has been in several abusive relationships. One of the relationships she was warned in the beginning. The other ones, the guys put on a good front before their true colors were revealed.

I saw Kelly grow stronger the more I read. I am glad that she had others surrounding here to help support her. Kelly writes a real memoir type book. I felt for Kelly and experienced the emotions with her as she went from thinking she had found a great guy to emotional abuse to standing as a fighter. Readers who like reading nonfiction books or who can relate or know someone will want to check this book out. Kelly may be saying "Goodbye, sweet Girl" but I say "Hello, Sunshine".