A review by sassysmutlover
Bed of Flowers by Erin Satie


This is my first book by Erin Satie and OMG! This story shows love can survive anything that is thrown at in its path. Both of them will pull at your heart with heartbreaking stories and how they find each other in a cruel world. I was hooked from the start with her work and how she and her friend were. You will go through many emotions with how people treat them and following their story until the end. That spark between them just got stronger as time went on and they could take on anything. They both had amazing friends that stood by them no matter what. The ending left me wanting more in a good way because I wanted to see them rise higher than before.

Bonny has the biggest heart and doesn't turn her back on someone in need. I loved her right away because she truly cared about others equally no matter their social status. She was extremely brave in many ways and stood her ground when it came to finding the truth and doing what she wanted.

Loel suffered horribly and was still paying for an accident from years ago and should want revenge, but his heart won't allow it. He had me the moment he kissed her wrist and I loved him as he told his story of what happened after everything. He learned to understand her and would do anything for.

I can't wait for the next one and hope to see them again. This is going on my all-time favorite list.

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