A review by erinarkin20
Hardwired by Lindsay Currie, Trisha Leaver


2.5 for this one I think.

As soon as I read the summary of Hardwired by Trisha Leaver and Lindsay Currie I knew I wanted to read it. The idea that there is a gene that determines whether someone is predisposed to act a certain way and then the thought that the government would use this to control a population of people is interesting to me and I couldn’t wait to dive into this story.

We are immediately pulled into Lucas’ story as he is currently locked away at the testing facility to make sure that even though he has the gene, he is clear to join society. As he and his roommate are poked and prodded and then pushed to their limits to determine whether they will snap or not, Lucas and Sam work together to keep each other sane and balanced. They also see more than the others locked away and because of that, they notice some odd things going on with the facility as they near the date they should be transported to the reintegration facility.

The story picks up speed when the group is on their way to the reintegration facility and Lucas and Sam are the sole survivors of the crash. When they cross paths with the group responsible for the accident, Lucas is stunned to find out why they did what they did and also who they are.

Overall I liked Lucas but I have to say I didn’t connect with him for some reason. Yes, I felt bad for his situation and the impact this testing has had on his family but I didn’t totally feel invested in him. And when the rebel group was added into the mix, his relationship with Carly didn’t line up for me. Throw in the end of this story and it all felt a bit choppy and rushed.

This book has an interesting concept and while the writing is well done, I thought the development of the character relationships and the pacing needed some work.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy.