A review by psteve
Rendezvous in Black by Cornell Woolrich


In an unnamed midwestern town, Johnnie meets with his girlfriend every evening at 8 on the dot, in from of the drugstore. One evening he's a few minutes late, and discovers that she's been killed. Grief-stricken, he goes kind of nuts, and for months stands in front of that same store every evening, until one day a heartless cop drives him away. The story shifts to an unnamed character (but always with the same JM initials as Johnnie) who takes jobs at small airlines, gathering information, and then the revengeful murders start, always of young women, with cruel taunting. It's a fascinating novel, as you can always see its general outlines as it moves, but not the whys, until very near the end. A human novel, with empathy for all the characters, and Woolrich always writes vividly and pulls you through the story.