A review by percystjoan
The Selected Poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay by Edna St. Vincent Millay


i've been working through this collection of selected works for a while now (since i bought it at a bookstore in maine in october, also millay's home state!), choosing to just keep it in my bag at all times and read it whenever the inspiration struck. this really proved to be the best way to do it because not only do i really adore millay's poetry but i also started reading more into her life and have found her to be an incredibly fascinating person which makes her poetry all the better.

she ranges through a TON of styles and moods in her work, but i found that her sonnets were unequivocally my favorite as a collection, although many of her standalone works stood out to me as well. my favorite from the entire book was interim, which is multiple pages long so i won't put it here but if you haven't read it, go give it a read right now - you won't regret it.


she is neither pink nor pale,
and she never will be all mine;
she learned her hands in a fairy-tale,
and her mouth on a valentine.

she has more hair than she needs;
in the sun 'tis a woe to me!
and her voice is a string of colored beads,
or steps leading into the sea.

she loves me all that she can,
and her ways to my ways resign;
but she was not made for any man,
and she never will be all mine.


i had forgotten how the frogs must sound
after a year of silence, else i think
i should not have ventured forth alone
at dusk upon this unfrequented road.

i am waylaid by Beauty. who will walk
between me and the crying of the frogs?
oh, savage Beauty, suffer me to pass,
that am a timid woman, on her way
from one house to another!

when you, that at this moment are to me

when you, that at this moment are to me
dearer than words on paper, shall depart,
and be no more the warder of my heart,
whereof again myself shall hold the key;
and be no more-what now you seem to be-
the sun, from which all excellences start
in a round nimbus, nor a broken dart
of moonlight, even, splintered on the sea;
i shall remember only of this hour-
and weep somewhat, as now you see me weep-
the pathos of your love, that, like a flower,
fearful of death yet amorous of sleep,
droops for a moment and beholds, dismayed,
the wind whereon its petals shall be laid.

[also: elegy, ode to silence, renascence, wraith, and eel-grass.]