A review by misslin
Bukowski in a Sundress: Confessions from a Writing Life by Kim Addonizio


How can you not love a memoir with such a brilliant cover photo? Here is one writer who I can wholeheartedly admire. Before this book of essays, I had read some of Addonizio's poetry and I very much want to read more. She is brilliant.
This book was the only thing by Addonizio in my local library. I will have to scour some 2nd-hand book shops to find some of her poetry.
Addonizio is brutally honest. Or at least as honest as you can expect a human being to be. Her writing about what it was like to grow up in a family dominated by a sibling with aggressive mental health issues particularly resonated with me. She is such a good writer that she allows us to empathise not only with her as a sibling, but also with her mother.
Addozino's writing about procrastination also strongly resonated with me. What exactly do writers do all day? Anything that will delay them from having to put pen to paper. Addozino also gives insight into caring for an elderly parent, vodka fuelled one night stands and middle age when the one night stands (or any stands for that matter) become fewer and further between. At times this book was so much like looking in a mirror that I cringed - at others, I could self righteously say at least I didn't make THAT mistake.
This is a humorous and well written peek into the life of a brilliant but flawed human. I definitely want to read more of her work.