A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Vital Found by Kaydence Snow


This was one of the series that had been recommended to me when I asked for recommendations in one of my Facebook groups and the first book in the series absolutely didn't disappoint. So, when I found out that the collection was on sale I didn't hesitate and got it. And of course, from then on it rotted away on my iPad, with the other 1000 unread e-books on there. However, now I'm finally on track with my review copies again it was time to pick up something from me.

And picking up this book was the perfect choice. The book picks up where the last book stopped and since it has been some time since I've read it, I needed some time to remember all the details. However, without info-dumping or over repeating, the book gave me enough information to have everything coming back quite soon. And it didn't take long before I was addicted and totally into it once more.

I have to admit that plot-wise the book seems a little slow. The last book ended with quite a bang, but for a long time no progression was made when it comes to figuring out what happened. It's quite realistic, of course. Getting information and getting things done needs time, but at times it felt like the characters were busy with other things. Well, most of all each other actually. After all, our harem was still wobbly and there was still a lot of relationship building to do.

And that was actually what we were getting in this book. And I really loved how emotional and intense this entire process was. It's always hard to write down passion, fire, longing, hurt, doubt and every other emotion in such a way that the reader feels it, but Snow really succeeded. It was almost impossible to put this book away, because emotionally and relationship wise there was so much going on and I was so rooting for Evelyn and her guys to figure everything out and to make things work!

In the last fourth of the book we however returned to the politics and the danger. And although I already started missing all the amazing interactions between Evelyn and her guys, it was nice to get some answers, some action and some new danger to look forward to in the last book of the trilogy!