A review by lolasreviews
Phoenix Watching by Chris Lewis Carter


I got a copy in exchange for an honest review

After reading Camp Kiss by JK Rock I knew I wanted to read more books about camp. Because here in the Netherlands we have no camp, so the only other option is to experience camp through books, right? So when I heard about this series Camp Myth I knew I had found an awesome book, I mean combine camp and fantasy elements and you must have an awesome book right? So when the author asked me if I wanted a copy for review it really made my day!

Phoenix Watching is the first book in the camp myth series and actually it's only the beginning. In this book we meet the main character and experience his first days of camp. As soon as I picked up this book I immediately liked it, it starts with an introduction as if the main character is talking to the reader and he promises to tell you about his vacation. Then the story starts for real and I really enjoyed it. The story is fast paced and I couldn't put it down. I read the book in one evening and was dissapointed when I finished it, because I wanted to read more. I really liked the idea of a camp for mythology creatures. It's original and it's obvious there is a lot of thought behind it all. The story is a bit too short for my taste, but that might be because I just wanted to read more!

Also there are beautifull drawings between the chapters and I was almost looking forward to finishing a chapter so I could see another drawing. The drawing aren't of the main characters, but of a few side character about whom there is a chapter at the end of the book.

The characters are really done well, they each have characteristics that make them different from the rest, although for some characters it was a bit difficult to get an idea of their personality. I also had a problem getting a feel for the main character at first, I did get a sense of his personality, but when he goes to the camp I have no idea what his thoughts are about that. I did like the characters, but still would've liked to get to know them better. At the end there is also a chapter from the point of view of a different groups of campers, but it was really difficult to keep them apart because I had not a good idea who they are, because all we get to know about them is the drawings and accompanying text.

There is already quite a lot of world building, there is no info dump, but small pieces of information we get thoughout the story. For example there is some information about how fea and cyclops live, but not too much depth. And when they go find a phoenix there is some information about the phoenix. It does have the feeling there is a whole thought through world behind the whole story, but we only get a bit of information and then especialy about topics that are needed to understand the story. I really can't wait to learn more about the world, because I have this feeling there is so much more behind it all.

To conclude: I really enjoyed this book. The story is original and fast paced. The characters each have their own characteristics and I liked getting to know them. The world building is done really good and the information is given at the right moments when you need it. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.