A review by fearandtrembling
Things We Found During the Autopsy by Kuzhali Manickavel


The weirdness wore thin after awhile, which really took me by surprise, because I expected to unconditionally love a new KM book and unfortunately this was not the case. Poverty, racism, dead migrants and sex workers, Indian class elitism and casteism--after a while it feels like the weirdness justified the number of middle-class characters here who are conflicted and angry and guilty but apathetic, unable to act, and thus retreat into surrealist solipsism. The "it's all crap and meaningless but we can get a good image out of it" form of writing is perhaps something I should stay away from, currently, so I don't know if this is the Kuzhali I've always loved or the Kuzhali I've always loved is now revealed to me as a bit of a problem.