2024 Black History Month Reading Challenge

Hosted by jaduhluhdabooks

35 participants, 199 books added

Starts: Thursday, 01 February 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

I always get questions about how someone can honor Black History Month and I am someone who is a firm believer that celebration is a powerful way to uplift people, cultures, stories, and moments in history, in time, in preservation. 
Words have the power to change so much of the world that we see. It has the magic to open our eyes and widen our minds. I just hope that you find the same celebration of Blackness in these stories as I do. 

The other part of this challenge is recognizing that you're not going to complete the board in one month (or maybe you will and that's amazing), but it's to recognize that Black History matters this month and every month. So take the bingo card with you throughout this year. Make a goal to read more book by Black authors, that tell Black stories about joy, grief, beauty, and gory, and everything in between. 
THIS, is celebration. Leave your recommendations for categories below !! 

Happy Black History Month + Happy Reading! 

Challenge Prompts