Asian-Canadian Literature Challenge

Hosted by drawmeabookreview

6 participants, 26 books added

Starts: Friday, 01 January 2021

Ends: Friday, 31 December 2021

Books by Asian authors have been on the rise recently, but very few of the buzzed-about books are by Canadians, so the goal of this challenge is to get more Canadian literature by Asian authors on to your bookshelves! The only requirements for this challenge are that the author must be of Asian descent as well as Canadian - either having been born, raised, or living in Canada. 

My original goal was to host this challenge on Instagram during the month of May, which is Asian Heritage Month here in Canada. However, I've decided to leave this reading challenge open during the entire year so that we can celebrate Asian-Canadian authors all year long, as well as give each other ideas for what to read once Asian Heritage Month rolls around. 

Feel free to use the hashtag #asiancanadianlitchallenge2021 if you share your picks on Instagram! (And if you read any books by Asian-Canadian authors that don't fit with these prompts, use the hashtag #asiancanadianlit!)

Challenge Prompts