The 2024 Runalong The Shelves Booktempter's TBR Challenge

Hosted by imyril

39 participants, 352 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Creator: Runalong Womble of Runalong The Shelves

Do you have too many books that you never get round to reading? The Booktempter in Chief (who may well be responsible for your straining shelves) is here to help with a challenge to help you focus on reading some of the books you’ve acquired along the way.

There are three simple rules:

  1. It applies to your TBR pile as per 23.59 31/12/2023 - no books added after this date can be used (which isn’t to say you can’t keep adding - the Womble is beneficent - but those books can’t be used for the challenge)
  2. If you are a book blogger, no ARCs! This challenge is to cut down your self-induced TBR.
  3. Complete twelve prompts over the year. The challenge is structured monthly, so you can do a challenge a month (or more if you fancy the stretch goals), but if you would rather tackle all the prompts in a sprint or do them as and when you feel like it, that’s okay. Read as you will, and tackle that backlog. Then buy some more books.

Challenge Prompts