Haruki Murakami Manga Stories 2: The Second Bakery Attack, Samsa in Love, Thailand by Jean-Christophe Deveney, Jean-Christophe Deveney, PMGL
Haruki Murakami Manga Stories 2: The Second Bakery Attack, Samsa in Love, Thailand

Jean-Christophe Deveney, Jean-Christophe Deveney, PMGL

Haruki Murakami Manga Stories 2: The Second Bakery Attack, Samsa in Love, Thailand

Jean-Christophe Deveney, Jean-Christophe Deveney, PMGL with Haruki Murakami (Illustrator)

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Haruki Murakami's best-loved stories finally in graphic novel form!Haruki Murakami's novels, essays and short stories have sold millions of copies worldwide and been translated into scores of languages. Now for the first time, in this three-volume...

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