
Hiding Lies by Julie Cross

pagingserenity's review against another edition

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Not as good as good as the first one but still a great read. I feel like the ending was kind of rushed and I wanted more moments with Miles and some more comedic relief like we got in Chasing Truth. The thriller aspect of it was fun though.

alysiaroy's review against another edition

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hollymbryan's review against another edition

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Okay, so first I have to say that this will probably be kind of short and maybe vague, because I really don’t want to spoil anything for folks who are new to the series. Second, I have to say ;OIHA;RIUFHPQOIH I AM SO GLAD THIS BOOK IS NOW OUT!!! Ahhh, I have been waiting for so long! Absolutely. Thrilled.

Okay, let’s put the flailing aside now! I have so much love for this series. I was blown away when I read the first book at just how much depth there was to the story. It was no surface-level mystery/thriller that was heavy on solving the mystery or thrilling us with action, but light on world-building and character development – no, sir! As much as I loved Chasing Truth, and as much as I love Julie’s writing, I admit to some trepidation before reading Hiding Lies; I was worried, since the huge mystery of the first book had been solved, that this one would focus more on the long-distance relationship of Ellie and Miles and some piddly student-related mystery inside Holden Prep or something. Well, let me tell you, I will never again doubt Julie Cross, and I apologize for ever even *thinking* she might let us down! Hiding Lies is at least as good as Chasing Truth, possibly even better – and I do not say that lightly.

All of the fantastic characters are back, some with added depth and personality that we didn’t see in book one when they were more peripheral characters (I’m looking at you, Dominic!). Of course Ellie is still amazing, and Julie does not hold back on giving her real concerns to deal with. I think that’s one of the things I love best about Julie’s books – they are on the longer side, but I love that, because she really takes the time to set up the “world,” to give the characters depth, to build up to the mystery and the ultimate climax of the story. (Hey, speaking of climax, a slight aside: thank you, Julie Cross and Entangled Teen, for bringing us healthy, beautiful depictions of sex between two people who love each other and who wait for each other to be ready, who are mature and talk to each other about what they’re feeling when it comes to sex!)

In addition to the masterful build-up and the fleshing out of characters we met in the first book, I absolutely love the plot of this book, the mystery that Ellie gets involved in. I have to say it was an absolute delight to meet folks from Ellie’s past, to see the con in action, and to get more of Ellie’s flashbacks of growing up in a family of con artists and grifters. I was absolutely absorbed in what was happening and stayed up past 2:00 a.m. two nights in a row because I just couldn’t force myself to stop reading! And just when I’d think, “okay, phew! that was a crazy twist!”…along would come *another* one and blow my socks off. That, it actually occurs to me as I type this, is what is so special about Julie and this series – she can actually surprise me. I have never been able to guess ahead of time what’s *really* happening, how it will end, or who the “bad guy(s)” will be. I mean, I’ve been reading for 40 years, and she can still surprise me! That is an exhilarating feeling for a reader who sometimes feels as if she’s read every plot out there! Julie just keeps giving me more.

Well, long story short, I hope you can at least see how much I love this book, this series, and Julie’s skills! She is one of my favorite authors and I’m so thrilled that she’s with one of my favorite publishers. I will read anything Julie writes, and I would encourage y’all to do the same. Or at least find the genre you like best, since she’s written everything from contemporary to sports romances to science fiction to mystery/thriller! Seriously, there’s something for everyone, and I guarantee you will enjoy yourself. I highly recommend the Eleanor Ames series for readers who like smart, intricate, airtight mysteries with kick-butt heroines and swoony (and also kick-butt) heroes. Thank you to Julie and Entangled Teen for letting me take part in this blog tour and let y’all know just how much I love these books!

Rating: 5 mysterious and thrilling stars!

**Disclosure: I received an early copy of the e-book for purposes of this blog tour. This review is voluntary, and this is my honest rating and review.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 4/27/18.


Once again, Ellie and friends lead us on a non-stop ride with twists and turns that no one can possibly see coming. Don't plan on doing anything until this one's done--seriously, it's pretty much un-put-downable. Who's really on which side? What, exactly, are the sides? Who can Ellie truly trust? Where is Miles, and what has he been doing?

Gah! So. Many. Questions.

So. Much. Stress.

It's definitely a good idea to read this book with the events of book one ([b:Chasing Truth|28220973|Chasing Truth (Eleanor Ames, #1)|Julie Cross||48249586]) fresh in you mind, because a lot of what happens here is connected to previous events. Since I've literally read dozens of books since I read that one, those events were a bit fuzzier in my mind than I would have liked, kind of like that dream you vaguely remember but can't quite grasp the details of...even so, this book kept me turning the pages. If you haven't yet read Chasing Truth, though, I absolutely recommend taking the time to read it before tackling this one.

Ms. Cross left Ellie (and Miles--thank goodness!) in a good spot at the end, but there's certainly room for another book if she is so inclined...and I for one will be early in line for it if she does, because Eleanor Ames! (I'd prefer not to wait another whole year, though. Just sayin' ;))

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

afoolsingenuity's review against another edition

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I'm conflicted on this one. I adore this book in many ways. Ellie and Miles deserved this second story and I enjoyed getting to see a new element to Ellie and visiting some of her past. I liked that Dominic got to develop as an actual person and he was interesting and I liked him. I just liked learning more I think. But it also frustrated me cos I still have unanswered questions and I don't feel I got enough answers even though they were teased. I also struggled to suspend my disbelief a little with this book. But it was fun and everything I expected really.

themaliciousreader's review against another edition

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I was provided an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I’ve read a bunch of books by Julie Cross and I’ve loved most of them. I was really excited to start this series and even more so when I’ve read the dedication of the first book.
I’m a huge fan of Veronica Mars, it’s my favorite series of all time and though not much was similar to it, I could tell how it was inspired by it.

Anyway, this book starts a couple weeks after the end of the first book, and not much has happened since.

As much as I did enjoy this book, it wasn’t as good as the first one, in my humble opinion. I found it to be not as fast paced and I wasn’t as captivated as I was by the first one.
I guess the setting wasn’t as exciting to me. I missed the burgeoning of the relationship we could see in the first one, the connection. The friendships weren’t as interesting either, except the one between Dominic and Ellie which I really really loved.

It was still insanely good and I didn’t see any of the twists coming.
I would definitely recommend this to everyone I know and I truly hope another book is gonna come out soon!

samwlabb's review

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

I was really excited to catch up with Ellie and Miles, and I was not disappointed. This installment takes us to the Big Apple as Holden Prep takes over New York. Ellie, however, wasn't there for the enrichment the program had to offer, but rather, as a way to slip back into her old con artist ways. Once again, digging in one direction revealed many other secrets, and Ellie risked losing everything she has been working for.

Honestly, I enjoyed this one just as much as the first book, which means I really liked it. Some of the things I enjoyed:

•You all know I love being in NYC. It's always a treat to read a story set in my hometown, and I enjoyed traipsing around the boroughs with Ellie and the gang from Holden Prep.

•Though I missed spending time with Aiden and Harper, I enjoyed all the quality time spent with Justice and Dominic. Dominic and Ellie grow a lot closer on this trip, and I learned that there's so much more to Dominic than meets the eye.

•Ellie's "family" played a big role in this book. We learned a lot more about Ellie's life before, as well as what happened to her parents after the FBI raid. It was really interesting getting that first hand look at her life before, as well as revisiting her memories of her previous life.

•I was pretty shocked to discover what Miles was doing on his Christmas vacation, and it added an extra level of intrigue to the story for me.

•Miles little excursion was only one of many twists Cross threw at me, and I enjoy following those twists and turns throughout the book.

•The romance ramped up in this one, and you know I was happy about that. I ship these two hard and just want to see them in a solid relationship with each other.

•I am a fan of this kind of series. Where there is a shorter story arc completed in the book, while also adding to plot of the entire series.

•That ending made my heart sing. It was all sorts of wonderful.

Overall: Another great Eleanor Ames story, which left me all sorts of satisfied. If this is the last book, Cross gave us a great ending, but I must say, I would love to read more of Eleanor and Miles' adventures.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


bookgyrl's review

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I just checked and I read the first book in this series in August 2016. So that is quite a while back and fortunately I remember a lot of the story. Because this book just jumps right in and I must admit I was lost a couple of times regarding some characters. The author does not give extra explanation and only a very brief summary of the last book. So this is absolutely not a standalone!

But OK, I dove in and was immediately sucked into the story. We get some more background on what happened before book 1. Ellie made a deal with the FBI but was upset to find her mother was caught instead of her father. Her mother faces up to ten years in jail, so Ellie makes another deal with the FBI and travels to New York (on a school trip, how convenient) to make contact with her dad and find what he is involved in. Boyfriend Miles pops up and has his own agenda. Dominic, another friend from book 1 and schoolmate, is an interesting addition to the core group. He plays along and helps Ellie where he can. Danger is everywhere!

I enjoyed the story but not as much as the first. I thought there was so much going on and it seemed more implausible than before that two teenagers (16 and 17 mind you) could pull this off. They seem wise beyond their years. The relationship between Ellie and Miles has gotten to another (more steamy) phase, which I liked.

Overall a good installment and I look forward to the next.

I requested and recceived an ARC via Netgalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.
