
Will Haunt You by Brian Kirk

njdarkish's review against another edition

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There are some things I really liked about this book and some that really didn't work for me.
There is a very surreal quality about almost everything that happens in this book, which worked in its favor because, by everything being so surreal, almost anything can happen, which is scary. I also liked a lot of the mad science ideas. That said, I felt like those two significant aspects of the story didn't necessarily play very well together. I felt like the author should have stuck with one or the other because mad science didn't do a very good job of explaining the surreal things that were happening, and spent a lot more time attempting (but failing) to do so than the book warranted.
There is also a weirdly silly feel to some of the descriptions of certain aspects of the rockstar lifestyle our protagonist formerly led. I felt like the author was definitely uncomfortable with some of the more lawless/promiscuous aspects and wrote some of those bits in a way that their feelings came through more strongly than the character's.
In spite of its flaws, however, I overall enjoyed the book. It kept me guessing and had me invested enough that I had to know where the story would go next. There are some very unnerving bits-- the first time the midnight hour radio plays comes to mind-- that were real gems in this reading experience.
One last note: I really don't care for the title.

the_enobee's review against another edition

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I would have enjoyed more of the band and more about the book that started it all. The story did pull me in and kept me intrigued, and I’ll definitely read more by this author.

beastreader's review against another edition

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I picked up a copy of this book because I was in the mood for a good horror novel. It has been a really long time since I have read a good horror novel. Sadly, this book did not end up being that "one. Yet, the concept was there and could have been.

It is funny as I was struggling with this book and kept putting it down after a few chapters not really able to put my finger on what the issue was. I knew that the one thing was that I could not connect or cared for the characters including the main lead Jesse. It was not until I read a few other readers thoughts that I realized what the problem was. Which, I don't typically read reviews until after I have read the book.

The problem is that the way the characters voiced their thoughts was not in full sentences. It was short and choppy. I might have been able to excuse this style of writing if I had been more into the overall book. As I stated this book did have elements of being a good horror book. It is dark and the transformation that Jesse experienced could give you nightmares. A good idea that was not executed as well in the end.

glitterkitter's review against another edition

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Mixed feelings about this one. I keep feeling like if I had just gone in with different expectations or circumstances I would have liked it more, but it wasn't really an enjoyable read.
The promo and synopsis made this sound like it was something different to what it was. They led me to believe this was about a supernatural book, that if you read, you will end up haunted. That's not really in there at all. I mean, it's part of the plot, but it's not a focus. It's just an aside that comes up every now and then to say why all these horrible things keep happening to the protagonist. It's because he read the book, but we don't even anything about the book he read on page. It just mentions that he read it when we're in the middle of things and that's just frustrating.

miskatonickid's review against another edition

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“Please put it down. Or better yet, throw it away” my man accurately reviewed his own book.

colorfulleo92's review against another edition

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Oh so disappointed! It started out really good, creepy and with a compelling story and I felt excited to read great horror book but it just crash landed for me.

eamwilliams504's review against another edition

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I am not really sure where to start with Will Haunt You the upcoming release by Brian Kirk being published by Flamer Tree Press. I was really looking forward to this one, but it didn’t live up to the expectation I had based on the synopsis. From the publisher:

"You don’t read the book. It reads you.
Rumors of a deadly book have been floating around the dark corners of the deep web. A disturbing tale about a mysterious figure who preys on those who read the book and subjects them to a world of personalized terror.
Jesse Wheeler—former guitarist of the heavy metal group The Rising Dead—was quick to discount the ominous folklore associated with the book. It takes more than some urban legend to frighten him. Hell, reality is scary enough. Seven years ago his greatest responsibility was the nightly guitar solo. Then one night when Jesse was blackout drunk, he accidentally injured his son, leaving him permanently disabled. Dreams of being a rock star died when he destroyed his son’s future. Now he cuts radio jingles and fights to stay clean.
But Jesse is wrong. The legend is real—and tonight he will become the protagonist in an elaborate scheme specifically tailored to prey on his fears and resurrect the ghosts from his past.
Jesse is not the only one in danger, however. By reading the book, you have volunteered to participate in the author’s deadly game, with every page drawing you closer to your own personalized nightmare. The real horror doesn’t begin until you reach the end.
That’s when the evil comes for you."

Doesn’t that synopsis sound like something you want to read? That’s what I thought but rather than a novel about a haunted text, what I got was a surreal, disjointed fever dream of a story that confused me in almost every chapter. Speaking of chapters, there are cipher keys at the top of each that you need to record and use a primer at the end of the book to decode- good fun or gimmick? I’ll let you decide. The biggest let down was that the deadly book is barely focused on! It’s mentioned but it’s provenance is hardly explored…unless it was and I was so confused I just didn’t get it, perhaps that is the case. Add to the mix characters that I didn’t really care about and it made this one hard to keep reading.

This book was really a let down. I wanted to like it so much but it just didn’t do it for me. Maybe I didn’t “get it” and like the mysterious book in the story if you read it you’ll get another story entirely, for your sake I hope so, but for this reader it totally fell flat.

bookwormbecky12's review against another edition

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Now I was actually put off by the reviews on this book. Mainly because I loved the blurb and just had to request it. I LOVE horror books and this impressed me.

No, it's no Stephen King level however, it is eerie, spooky and I'm still not entirely sure what I have just read.

This was a great read and certainly an author I will be looking out for in the shops.

cjothom's review against another edition

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Jesse Wheeler - former guitarist of the heavy metal band The Rising Dead - learns of a book that you don't read, it reads you. Jesse doesn't think much of it as it takes a lot to scare him but he will soon find out how wrong he is. Once you read the book, you agree to become a protagonist in your own personalized nightmare. The reader will be subjected to terrors that prey on their own fears and bring up ghosts from the past. Now that you have read the book, you've agreed to play the game as well.

This book was a good read, but not great. I found that it took me quite a bit of time to get through it and that I didn't really care about the characters or their plight. It never kept me interested or was something that I thought about when I wasn't reading it. This story seemed so interesting and I really wanted to like it but I felt like there could have been so much more to it. I wish that there was more information about the cursed book and who was torturing Jesse but there was really nothing. It was such a confusing read that I couldn't really get into the story and invest in the characters or the story. It's a shame too because I really wanted to like it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Flame Tree Press for the ARC.

dnemec's review against another edition

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This was a very interesting premise. Of course, it would be my dumb ass that would find a book like this and read it...