
What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang

sophiaknudsen's review

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3.5/5 stars. It was a good book, just not very amazing or touching or action packed. This book was quite unique, though.

secamimom's review

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As reviewed on Fic-Talk...

Every person is born with two souls. As the child grows older, the dominant soul takes over and the other one fades away. This is what is supposed to happen, but it doesn’t always go this way. Addie and Eva have both spent the past three years hiding the fact that they are a hybrid.

A hybrid is a person that still has both souls intact. The government feels that hybrids are very dangerous and need to be destroyed.

While Addie thinks that she has successfully hidden her secret, she realizes that’s not true. She meets two other people, a brother and sister, who are hybrids like herself. But once they realize what she is, other people not so friendly are not far behind.

I immediately loved this book. The storyline reminded me a little bit of the plot for Stephanie Meyer’s The Host, but trust me, I loved this one much, much more. Where as that book took me six months to read, this one took more like six hours.

You would think that one would be confused while reading where both main characters were embodied in the same person, but that didn’t happen at all. Addie and Eva clearly had two very separate identities and were clearly distinguished by the author.

I loved the pacing as it wasn’t too fast or too slow. It had just enough action in it that keeps you well entertained. It had the slight hint of a possible romance in upcoming sequels, which honestly I can’t wait for. I will definitely be on the lookout for a sequel and it’s release date!

bookph1le's review

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I kind of hate giving this two stars because I didn't think it was a terrible book. However, I was severely disappointed in it and just couldn't get into it. It's more of a 2.5 star book as I didn't really like it, but I didn't think it was terrible either.

sam_hartwig's review

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I had high hopes for this book. I was really looking forward to reading it because it sounded so interesting. Unfortunately it wasn't as good as I had hoped. I don't know what it was about this that I didn't like. Maybe it was the worldbuilding, I couldn't get sucked into it because a lot of things weren't really explained. Like why society decided to get rid of their other souls? What's so wrong with having another soul? I know it's picky but neither the mystery behind why or the characters were engaging enough to make me want to gobble it up.

The book is from Eva's point of view even though she is the soul hidden within Addie. It was very easy to get used to the idea of two people living within one body and I think it's very unique. I really liked Eva and I feel bad for rooting for her to take over their body because that meant Addie would be the one stuck inside.

This book felt more sci-fi than dystopian to me, which I have to say I really liked! I don't normally read sci-fi books but this may have opened up a whole new genre for me.

Overall I did like it and will most likely read the next book in the series but the story & characters weren't flawless in my eyes.

Also on my blog

leafblade's review

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I can't even tell you why I loved this old ass dystopia in 2k18 but I did. Maybe it was the feeling of not knowing what would happen if Eva had a bit more control, a bit more power. Maybe it was the unsettling world, who looked good on the surface but had something darker going on. Maybe it was the dynamics between the two souls in the same body that we get to meet here. Idk but I freaking ADORED THIS BOOK

I would've liked an explanation on why suddenly Lissa and Ryan were always out in the "hospital", though. Like, a "they do good in adversity" would've been enough.

merilizabeth's review

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Too very slow

Up until 80% of the book I wanted to hit my head on the wall repeatedly because that would have been more fun and productive than bearing through these awfully slow paced pages. And when the action finally happened it took the last 20% of the book. Good for the author that they were good enough to trick me into checking out the second book. If it does go on as slowly i Will just throw it out which is saying much because I always finish What i start reading no matter how horrible that might be.

inook_u's review

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4.5 stars.

I just read this book bascially in one sitting. (I read 40 pages before I got into it)

It was really, good. It has me hooked at the beginning.

I will talk more about this later on. (:

alicebme's review

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Good, but it is so close to the Unwind books in my mind that I'm reading in devour mode instead of savor mode. Snail Mail book club winter trilogy. Kind of making me all meta...

halynah's review

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Four solid stars, though the cover deserves the highest rating - gorgeous!
The book was pretty original and offbeat, with interesting characters and gripping plot, but sometimes the story went slow and difficult to read, so I had to take away one star. Still - highly recommended!

brianne_k's review

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I looked forward to this book for a very long time. I waited and waited with anticipation for it to come out and I bought it the day it did.
I was not disappointed.

Being in University, I don't have as much (if any at all some weeks) time to read books for pleasure..
But I made this book my one to read when I did have a free moment.

This book has a very unique concept.
Every child is born with 2 souls - 1 dominant and 1 recessive.. the recessive one is the one that would 'usually' fade away. But in those special cases when it doesn't fade, the person is called a Hybrid.
The book never fully divulges why Hybrid's are dangerous.. I want to know more of why the government wants its citizens to believe in this.

I loved Eva and Ryan. Their 'love story' didn't take front and centre in this novel. Which for a ya book, is rare. None of this "insta-love" and that made me like this book even more.

I found myself feeling sorry for Cal, Jamie, and Sally. I wanted to reverse their fates and operations.

I liked Kat Zhang's writing.

I can't really think of a whole review to write at this moment.

I am excited for what happens in the next book!!