sara_beth_11's review

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What 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 going 👏🏻 on 👏🏻

ria_mhrj's review

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WHAT THE WHAT. New Saga and new WicDiv, how lucky am I. And for WicDiv, the beginning of the end is here and if what I think has been revealed, consider my mind blown. I really must do a re-read!

lunarcicles's review

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I didn’t understand anything??????

beastcoastmac's review

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what the hell at the ending

eli_drottningu's review

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No ma... ahora empieza a tener sentido todo.

biddywink's review

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Am I the only one who feels they have missed something here? WTH is Ananke up to? What's her motivation? I seriously hoped that it gets explained in a way I can understand and that something just didn't sail right over my GD head.

marisacarpico's review

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Bit of an exposition dump, but gives some necessary info. Like some of what this sets up going forward, but most interested in the emotional betas Laura hits here. Case is a character I can’t stand so I like seeing her re-examine her bullshit here.

samhain's review

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I'm a bit surprised no one is discussing the fact that Laura's probably Ananke's descendant through her sister's grandson. Given how many different designs the characters have, and how detailed the graphics have always been, I doubt it's a coincidence Laura's and that woman's eyes and facial expressions are EXACTLY the same. I really think Persephone's awaken in her descendant's body, and perhaps it's how it's always been ; Ananke's blood causes her dismissal. Although, I have some questions about the previous special now. Persephone wasn't there, but it's impossible because it's one of the rules. Was she pretending to be another one of them? Did something went wrong and allowed Ananke to further advance her plans? Unless Woden's her sister's god/dess? It would make more sense, because she claimed the role of the mother, and we know that the 1830's Woden gave birth to several children who were killed under Ananke's orders, and modern days "Woden" is Mimir's father. Besides, Woden always seems to be incarnated in some shitty person's body, and I can see the Ananke we just saw getting back at her sister that way, putting her god into the obvious "villain" 's body when she decides who will turn into a Deity. The only problem is that the current Woden wasn't supposed to be made into a god. Or perhaps the whole "kill your kids" thing is also part of Ananke's vengeance? ... ... My head hurts xD Soooo, either both my theories are wrong, or something truly went wrong with the 1830's creature or the 1920's Recurrence's experiences. I'm also confused at how exactly Ananke preserved her role as the maiden/Minerva if Cassandra's machine erase powers. I mean, Minerva was linked to it, and its very purpose should have transformed her back into her true self, but Ananke is still in her body and with her full powers... ARGH! As always, Gillen seems to be giving us answers but is actually putting more doubts and questions in our heads. Well played, Kieron. Well fucking played!

I'm not ready to let this comic go, though...

leahrosereads's review

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Oh Gentle Annie, you own my heart.


Super quick: if you haven’t read these, my quickie review is: to go read them! The artwork is phenomenal and the writing is excellent.

The quickie summary: 12 gods come to Earth every 90 years taking over a mortal's body, doing miracles and being amazing within it. After two years though, they burn up the bodies, killing the host (and themselves) and leave Earth until they can come back. It's been 90 years, and now, in 2014, they're back.

^^^^ Anything past the above ^^^^ may have spoilers from the first two issues, but none from this one. You’ve been warned.

So in Issue 3, we meet The Morrigan, and those underworld gods are batshit crazy. Clearly living your life in darkness is not a good thing. They are theatrical and ultimately unhelpful to Laura as she tries to help Luci. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t them.

Laura ends up having to meet back up with Cassandra the reporter to go back over Larua’s notes with what Luci had told her (much of that information wasn’t seen in the second issue, so it was great to read about) about the gods, and who Luci thinks has framed her.

In the end, it doesn’t seem like any of the gods would have framed her, but it’s a clusterfuck of a mess right now, and I’m sure we’ll be meeting the big bad of this story soon.

Luci is still by far my favorite god, and I’m really liking Laura as the main human we follow in this story. Sure, she’s got the teenage angst thing going on for her, but it’s working for her right now. I'll be sure to let you know when it gets annoying.

But as of now, still loving this story! 5/5 stars. Cannot wait to meet the other gods, but I think I want to avoid The Morrigan for a little while.

I would definitely recommend this as a story to try out if you haven't read comics before. I think it's great, but it's been really easy to follow, and since it's new, you can definitely get the first 3 issues right now.

ohthathayley's review

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The plot thickens. Really interested to see where this goes. (But unfortunately that will have to wait until I get paid so that I can buy the rest of the issues.)