
Where the Sea Takes Me by Heidi R. Kling

traceyj2850's review

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This is the follow up to Where I Found You but it can be read as a stand-alone.

2 years have passed since Sienna said goodbye to Deni. Now she is just about to finish up college for the summer and getting ready for a trip to Cambodia to help traumatized girls who have been sex trafficked. But she is in for the shock of a like when Deni makes a surprise appearance in her life – could this mean a second chance for them?

Ah… this book was just as actioned pack and full of adventure as the first. I thought for a second I could smell a love triangle in the works but thankfully this didn’t happen. On a side note, I would like a book about Spider.

It was great to see that Sienna had matured and grown p a bit, she has finally accepted her father’s relationship with Val and she has a little brother now. I felt like she was emotionally in a better place in this book.

The tension and happiness when she is reunited with Dani is just tangible. I loved it, it certainly hits you in all the feels. Deni is still the chill free spirited guy he was in the first book. I can’t tell you how much I was rooting for these two to sort through thier shit and be together, it was so obvious that they still have very strong feelings for one another.

Finally, the ending was just so perfect!

lovegirl30's review

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This is such a charming little story. Where the Sea Takes Me will truly touch your soul. I thought this was a cute second story in a series. Although I haven't read the first, I didn't feel as though I missed anything in the series. Although you should check it out (Where I Found You (Sea #1) on Goodreads). I will be reading book one next because I loved this story so much.

In Where the Sea Takes Me we follow the main character of Sienna whom I really enjoyed. She had great character qualities and really seemed like a realistic college student. She is chasing her dreams and working hard to achieve them. She is still interested in a boy that she left behind, a boy that should be in her past. That boy is Deni, he is charming and from Banda Aceh. When he comes to America her world is completely shaken.

I thought the plot of this book was well crafted and the author did a great job of researching things as or before she wrote the book. This book gives you a great look at charities. More about how they work and their pitfalls. It was a different perspective than one I have seen before. It was like a peek behind the scenes.

The romance in Where the Sea Takes Me is swoon-worthy. Seeing the main characters grow and mature together was great. This is a slow burn romance which I really enjoyed. This made this a five-star book for me.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Entangled teen in exchange for my honest review.

storieswithsoul's review

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4.5 Stars
The romantic story which started in book one continues in book two. However, the setting is different and the characters are much matured, no less interesting though.
Deni worked hard and finally got his chance to study in USA. Sienna thought she had left him for good, but now here he is ... in her home, in her country, and she can't contain her excitement. Although, her love for him is still the same but now there are many complications. Spider wants more than being her friend, he has been so patient with her and she feels as though she owe him more. Also Deni probably has a wife somewhere in Indonesia. So she decides to just cherish their time together and not worry about the future. After all this is the guy she said yes to when he proposed.
Deni knows that differences between them may very well drift them apart again. But he plans to try his best and may be in the end they could be together somehow. For now they have a mission to worry about. As he accompanies team Hope to Cambodia, he feels as if history is about to repeat itself.
I loved this story just as much as I had loved book one. It's a great read and I think all romance loves will enjoy it, especially if you like stories closer to reality and touching sensitive issues.

epilieaspiechick's review

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My full review can be found on the Epilie Aspie Chick blog!

Thank you to Entangled Publishing for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I got really excited when I read the description for this book because it sounded so unique and different. It's rare when there's a story told from the perspective of charity. So as soon as I received this ARC, I dove into it.

Having read this one, it was definitely worth it. Even with it's weak points and soft spots, this is a story worth telling with a character and family you want to root for. Sienna's passion for the past few years of her life has been Team Hope and the good work they do in third world countries. It's a passion she shares with her family and one that was struck two years ago when she met Deni.

In the years since they met, Sienna has done everything she could to forget Deni and move forward with her life. A big part of that has involved Spider, her guy friend that isn't her boyfriend (but definitely wants to be). Just as Spider asks Sienna to move in with her, Deni shows up: he finished a documentary, won an award, and is coming to town. Everything falls apart with Spider right after Deni shows up and the male competition begins.

So when an offer to go on another Team Hope trip happens and Deni is coming with, things get complicated as emotions get involved again. Will their feelings grow like last time? What happens when she goes home again and they're split apart?

Sienna is relatable and easy to understand where she's coming from. Even when things with Spider get chaotic and he throws massive temper tantrums, she acts responsible. She cares even after he disappears from people's lives and insults her passion for Team Hope (in front of her entire family). Her downfall is that, like any chick, she lets her emotions get the best of her. She loses focus and it gets her in trouble. This happens even in Cambodia when they're on their mission helping the girls learn to swim.

rajnandaniwrapthefury's review

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Basically, this is a book in two parts.

In first part, there is love triangle between Sienna, Deni and Spider. This, even Sienna agrees to, is not so great. Spider likes Sienna and wants her to move in with him. Sienna is struck in her past, that is, Deni. Deni is back from wherever he was for two years. Now Sienna is really in dilemma about her desire and her duty. She yearns to go back to Deni yet she is afraid of being left to collect her shattered heart like two years ago.

Sienna becomes the object, for which the two boys seemed to be in the middle of the fight and this book was turning to be a Twilight, when the second part starts. Spider is gone and both Sienna and Deni are on Indonesia trip.

The Indonesia trip is to empower the children who escaped from the human trafficking gang. Sienna is responsible for teaching the three survival girls who survived the trauma of body business. She comes face to face with the reality that prevailed and the effect it had on the girls. She vows to bring this to an end. Deni is there to shoot the film so that he could use it to spread awareness against this all and bring more help to them.

The writing style is easy to read and simple. The characters are a little bit jumbled up and there isn't any attraction to them. Only the character of Deni seemed a little bit intriguing, otherwise the characters were a little bit off. The story seemed better in the second part than the first one. There is a sequel coming to this book and I hope Spider will be given a little more importance than just Sea and Deni. The little bit more information about Sea's mom would have been great to read.

Still this book is good and one can try this if one wants to read about two broken souls that heal each other in their own broken way. They both lives apart yet want to be united into one.

This e-ARC was provided to me by Netgalley. I want to thank the publisher and Netgalley for this review copy. All the thoughts are my own and honest.

thebookgirl's review

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This is such a charming little story. Where the Sea Takes Me will truly touch your soul. I thought this was a cute second story in a series. Although I haven't read the first, I didn't feel as though I missed anything in the series. Although you should check it out (Where I Found You (Sea #1) on Goodreads). I will be reading book one next because I loved this story so much.

In Where the Sea Takes Me we follow the main character of Sienna whom I really enjoyed. She had great character qualities and really seemed like a realistic college student. She is chasing her dreams and working hard to achieve them. She is still interested in a boy that she left behind, a boy that should be in her past. That boy is Deni, he is charming and from Banda Aceh. When he comes to America her world is completely shaken.

I thought the plot of this book was well crafted and the author did a great job of researching things as or before she wrote the book. This book gives you a great look at charities. More about how they work and their pitfalls. It was a different perspective than one I have seen before. It was like a peek behind the scenes.

The romance in Where the Sea Takes Me is swoon-worthy. Seeing the main characters grow and mature together was great. This is a slow burn romance which I really enjoyed. This made this a five-star book for me.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Entangled teen in exchange for my honest review.

crayoniecran's review

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NO. JUST NO. Why couldn't she end up Deni instead of Spider? I WANT THE HOT, PTSD INDONESIAN GUY INSTEAD OF THE ALSO HOT, CALI SURFER BOY. Spider wasn't a possibility at all to me. Ms. Heidi, I would REALLY appreciate it if you wrote a sequel so that Deni and Sienna can be together. Mucho Gracias.

amyk's review

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At first i loved Deni, and then i hated him, and loved Spider. Truthfully, Sienna kindof bugged the crap out of me. She was so whiny and self-centered even though the author tried to make her look helpful. And the author used the fact that they were in Indonesia to have them not kiss like, at all. Because it's considered Vulgar there. I was happy that she ended up with Spider though.

honeynougatsreads's review

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I enjoyed this book because of its setting - it takes place overseas and brings social issues to light. I thought that made the book unique from a typical YA contemporary. All the other elements are there - love triangle (a little), blended family, character growth etc. I would recommend this to teens who don’t know much about global issues but would like reading about them in a contemporary setting. I think the first book should be read first.