
The Dragon Empire by Heather McCorkle

mnimismemory's review

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The Dragon Empire by Heather McCorkle is book one in the Niflheimr Series. I love the way this author writes and the ability to suck me into the story. I have read so many books by Heather and each one is just a refreshing read. When I read the book blurb for this book I knew I was going to be in for an amazing journey and I was! I devoured this book in one sitting! It gave me the “just one more chapter” syndrome. I don’t think I lowered my kindle once, I was so invested. This book is exactly what I wanted, it touched everything that a dragon fantasy story should have. I think my favorite element in this whole book was how great worldbuilding is and how descriptive everything feels. I was able to imagine everything with perfect clarity. I loved reading the hard decisions that had to be made for the better; to go against everything you were taught to believe. I absolutely enjoyed/loved the characters but especially Grendar… I was rooting for him so hard in this book. Something about him just really reverberates with me. This book is a page turner for sure. It’s written wonderfully with an addictive plot that moves at an incredible pace. I can’t wait to read more! This is definitely going into my favorites pile. Heather McCorkle is a phenomenal author and I urge you to check out not only this book but all of the other ones as well. You’ll be in for an amazing adventure!

Final review:
5 out of 5 stars

samantha_randolph's review

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I received a free ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.
The Dragon Empire is about a young male dragon, Grendar. He is bullied by higher-class dragons, and he is struggling to became a full grown dragon ready to take on the world. When he sees his bullies doing something forbidden, what will happen? And how will it affect his friend Ashanti, whom he desperately wants to be with?
What I liked about this book: The plot. I really, really enjoyed how this plot kept getting deeper as the story progressed. There were a few twists that I didn't see coming, and I liked how it ended and things came to a close. I also enjoyed the descriptions. I think for the most part they were very well done, and I had a nice visual of what was happening in the story throughout. Grendar is a nice main character. I liked seeing him grow throughout the story. The cover is also very pretty.
What I didn't like so much: I've read stories with dragons in them. What I love about mythological characters is that authors can do whatever they want with them. While I liked the overall dragon class system in this book, I really wish the actual dragons had been less human. Maybe if there weren't humans already in the story, it wouldn't have been such an issue, but I just felt the dragons needed to be more like their own species, something with their own non-human mind. I understand wanting to make the dragons easier to relate to, but I feel it could have been done while also making them more dragon-like than just physical appearance. With their being so human-like, I feel this story could have worked with the main characters being human and the humans being dragons.
I think in the end, it wasn't a bad read. I think there is a lot of potential with this author, and I wouldn't mind reading something else of hers, but this one wasn't for me. 3/5 stars.