
Yu-Gi-Oh! R, Volume 3 by Akira Ito

millennial_dandy's review

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Souls...?! Posession...?! What garbage!!

You can definitely tell that volume 3 exists purely to get us to volume 4, but that doesn't mean it was completely lacking in charm and/or shenanigans.

In this volume, we get a few more neat deck themes and strategies and add just a little bit more to the lore of this 'season.'

Yugi actually gets to duel this time around against our #3 bad guy, Depres, who came to not only throw cards, but also serve looks, involving a button up shirt with that quinessentially 'Yu-Gi-Oh!-esque' popped collar and with a cutout just for his lower stomach. A true fashion icon.

In this duel we learn that apparently it's pretty obvious when Yugi magical-girl transforms into the Pharaoh, because Depres comments on it right away, though it's unclear if it's obvious because he literally grows or shrinks, or just because of the general vibe. Who knows, who cares; we're here for the duels!

Meanwhile, in the basement, Joey and Tristan bump into yet another 'card professor' who is soundly trouncing Joey with her pure defense strategy when he gets the brillient idea mid-duel to encourage her to abandon that successful strategy so she can experience how exciting it is to play offense, saying: "That's more like it, Reiko! I can feel your duelist vibes from across the room. As a man, I gotta respond to those feelings!" Instead of going 'yuck, barf,' she's like 'yeah, ok!' and then he immidiately defeats her. Even Tristan is like: "Didn't you just fast-talk her into attacking? Isn't that playing kinda dirty?"

Anyway, Reiko tells them that the whole duel was just a distraction and that she doesn't even have the key to get them back upstairs, so now they're locked in the basement. Or are they? Mokuba to the rescue! Why did Mokuba not stick with Kaiba? Who knows, who cares-- he's going to get our heroes out of the basement!

We slide over to Kaiba and Tenma in the Duel Ring Server tower. Kaiba has just done a dramatic kicking down of the door and is clearly not in the mood for Tenma's 'hocus pocus' because the second Tenma turns around, Kaiba clocks him over the head with his briefcase.

But even Kaiba isn't immune to a good, unhinged monologue, because he allows Tenma to go on at length about how Daddy Pegasus literally put a small piece of his soul into each of the cards he designed and that by merging all of that data in Kaiba's server, he can resurrect Pegasus into Tea's body. We kind of got this in volume 2, but Kaiba seems happy enough to use the refresher as an excuse to unload onto Tenma just how much he disbelieves in 'mystic mumbo jumbo.'

"Your data is a collection of zeros and ones on electric circuits! It doesn't have a soul! There's no such thing as souls!"

Tenma gives a little shrug and is like 'agree to disagree?' and Kaiba's like 'whatever, let's just duel; I'm over this entire plot line...'

Finally, we get a little bonus chapter/episode with significantly lower stakes about a little duel mafia in the next town over who go around to game stores and force the owners to pay 'protection' fees, usually resulting in the shop closing down. This leaves only Yugi's grandpa's gameshop left for them to conquer, which...they do not do. So now Yugi's grandpa's shop has a seeming monopoly on all things Duel Monsters in the area, so I guess that's nice for them.

On to volume 4!