
Black Heart Blooming by Alexa Piper, Alexa Piper

jacqueleenthereadingqueen's review

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"This moment, it was the last possible moment for me to choose. I could be with him, or I could abandon him, push him away, and end this."

When Alexa Piper announced that Black Heart Blooming was going to be a companion novel to Moonlight Cherries, but entirely from Soyer's POV, I may have made an undignified scream of excitement. I had somewhat recently been introduced to the series from two of my bookish friends, and Soyer was definitely an MC whose head I had wanted to get inside from the first moment we had met him. I had wondered while reading how much Soyer had hidden from sweet Amory and I was right in my instinct that there had been much. All with good intentions mostly, but some from the more selfish place in his heart that had feared the worst - Losing the one person who had enchanted Soyer in all his lonely years of existence.

I loved knowing how much Soyer adored Amory, even more so than he spoke in words. I also enjoyed finally being privy to the things that happened when he wasn't spending time with his lover. He was the Black Shuck. He was feared, but he was also secretly kind in his own way, though he was loathe for others to know it apart from Amory. He had felt the spark just as Amory did from their beginning and it was so interesting seeing the way his mind worked. How he processed his growing and surprising feelings for the human man.

"On his skin, on his chest, there lived a firebird, not a copy of my own, but mine. I knew the truth of it in my bones...We were one, linked through magic that bound our hearts, unintended, but true. A curse turned into wonder. Hope, for once, had won."

I'm glad this isn't the end for these two. Amory and Soyer are such a wonderful couple to read about. I still have many questions about their world, but some were answered in Black Heart Blooming. One question that I definitely know the answer is that these two were meant to be together and I look forward to more of them to come.