
Thane by Travis Daniel Bow

stephbookshine's review

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*I received a free copy of this book. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

As a fan of epic fantasy, I can confirm that Thane is both epic and fantastic, and can thoroughly recommend it to any fellow fantasy fans.

Not only are the characters individual and believable, but there are moments in their thoughts (‘If there was one thing Timothy hated, it was people that said, ‘three, or rather, four‘ when they had obviously known from the beginning that there were four.’), dialogue and actions (‘There was a look of barely-contained frustration on his face, the look a person gets when someone tells their favourite joke, but says all the lines wrong.’) where I found myself nodding vigorously, smiling and almost wanting to applaud and just how perfectly the author had got under the skin of these people.

Relationships too: the banter, acceptance and awkwardness that can all flourish within a close sibling relationship; the beautiful discomfort of a budding romance with a work colleague and the immediate stick that work-business can put in those spokes; the thrilling warmth of a friend who gets you without a word or a glance required. Travis Daniel Bow has captured all of these and more.

With all that, this story rattles along full of intrigue and action. The reader is kept wondering who is who, and what underlying motivations we’re glimpsing, whilst simultaneously agonising over the present and physical dangers our protagonists face on all sides.

I absolutely refuse to rave any more about how much I loved this book, as I’m terrified I might accidentally drop a spoiler in my enthusiasm, so I’ll just finish by saying that fans of Robin Hobb, Robert Jordan, Patrick Rothfuss et al should be just as hooked as I am. Go read it now!

“Take comfort,” Ricera said. “I may fail. All my plans may crumble around me, and I may never send for you. You may never have to betray those who trust you, as I have. You may even succeed in starting a real resistance. The Huctans may govern poorly. Perhaps, in time, you will throw their shackles off and win independence and freedom for Botan. Maybe your son will hear of your name and come to your throne with open arms.”
Ricera’s hand touched Verinald’s shoulder, and Verinald jerked as if burned. He looked up to find a mirthless smile on Ricera’s face.
“But don’t count on it,” Ricera said. “Don’t count on it.”

– Travis Daniel Bow, Thane

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog

bluejayreads's review

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I didn’t have super high expectations for this book. The summary was just vague enough that I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I had no idea what a Thane was (some sort of magician?), but the rebellion part was interesting enough to make me pick it up.

Timothy was a great character, and I could relate to him in a lot of ways. His social awkwardness around people his own age reminded me of me as a younger teen. And his desire to do something important, without having any idea what he should be doing, is a feeling I know very well. I loved him so much.

I also enjoyed Robert, Timothy’s brother. He was Timothy’s complete opposite in many ways, but he had strengths of his own. He wasn’t a major player in the beginning, but he became more important towards the end, and I’m looking forward to more of him in future books.

There were some interesting other characters, too, especially Timothy’s fellow thanes. None of them were majorly important, but they made great supporting characters.

I felt like this was a lot of a setup book. That’s not to say there wasn’t action or excitement or plot, because there was. But it focused on Timothy becoming a thane and setting up the major battles. There were rebels in THANE, but the actual fighting didn’t start until the end. There was lots of action here, but I bet there will be much more in the next books.

The thing I loved the most about the book was Timothy’s Thane training. It was like medieval spying, but better. I want somebody to put together a Thane curriculum, because I would totally buy that.

THANE blew my expectations out of the water. I thoroughly loved the story. And that ending…. Book two had better be coming out soon, because I want more.

I received a free review copy of THANE from the author. His generosity in no way influenced, or sought to influence, this review.