
Rebound: A Boomerang Novel by Noelle August

hiveretcafe's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on my blog, Hiver et Cafe

I received an e-ARC of this book for review as part of the blog tour from the publisher. This fact does not affect my review whatsoever. I was not compensated in any shape or form for this review and it is my honest opinion.

I never read Boomerang, the first book, but since this is a sort of companion novel, it wasn't difficult to get into this book. Nothing was very confusing except for maybe a little bit of the back story of Alison and her relationship with Ethan. It also specially helps that this is a contemporary rather than a fantasy.

ANYWAYS, Alison is the daughter of a CEO and as her father's representative, she is in charge of assessing Boomerang, Adam's company. Adam is the CEO of Boomerang and is often characterized by others as the stereotypical playboy, but he has a secret that he's hiding from the world, that once revealed, may damage his reputation as well as that of his company.

The novel is told in a dual point of view that alternates between Alison and Adam, so we get to see both their thoughts on their situation, as well as on each other. I thought that this novel was a quick and fun read. I wouldn't call it a light and fluffy read as there is some darker bits to it. I enjoyed watching the interactions between Adam and Alison, though I have to say that I enjoyed Alison's character much more than Adam, as I find her more interesting than Adam.

However, I found that the resolution at the end to be too quick to be realistic. It was almost abrupt in the way it was resolved and I expected it to be drawn out some more. I would rather have the novel be longer so that the problem is resolved at a more natural pace. I like long books anyhow.

Rebound is a novel that you can speed through in one sitting. It's a great book to get you out of a book hangover.

beastreader's review against another edition

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I could not stop laughing with the first book, Boomerang. I was so excited to read the next book. Ok, so while I still like this series, I did feel a little let down with the second book. It took more of a serious side then a light, funny side. Not that I did not care for the serious side. Just looking for a few more laughs. Alison was cool. I had no problems with her. The reason I say this is because I read another readers comment about this. She said that her other friends commented on Alison and how they did not like her or care for her from the first book. To be honest, if it was not for this comment I could not have really given it much thought. I did find that Alison was more grown up.

Ethan did not make much of an appearance in this book. Yet, I did dig Adam. He was a sweetheart and sexy as hell. The more I got to know of him, the more I fell for him. Than when I learned about his secret, I was hooked. A very quick read. I do look forward to reading the next one.

norwayellesea's review against another edition

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I was excited to read this new installment in the Boomerang series and it started with a surprise. I was not expecting the protagonists to be Alison Quick and Adam Blackwood. There is nothing better than a writer offering up something unexpected.

Alison was one of the characters I didn't particularly like in Boomerang but considering we only got Ethan's point of view on their failed relationship and how it ended it isn't surprising. In Rebound we get to understand Alison and her motivations and you can't help but feel sympathy for her. Yes, she's privileged but, groomed and controlled by her father Graham president and owner of Quick Enterprises

Adam Blackwood is successful despite his young age - he's crammed an awful lot into his short life and that includes secrets from his past that he doesn't want to come to light. He's built his whole business empire on the foundations of his personal pain. To the outside world he's a young brash player - he dates beautiful women and has a penchant for fast exclusive cars. But underneath that superficial facade is a young man looking for someone to win is heart.

Our protagonists know of each so when leather-clad Catwoman meets Zorro, neither is aware of who the other is. Sparks immediate fly as both hide behind their masks which ironically makes them relax and behave naturally compared to their usual professional personas. So after getting up close and personal in the Gallianos' garage, their invisible business masks go on after their identities are revealed to each other.

The author has done a fabulous job by creating these two complex characters in a most believable and mature way. Especially Adam -his thought process and reasoning shine through so we can see exactly why he is such a success at a young age. Alison is re-building her life after poor choices knocked her off her axis. She's torn between pleasing her controlling, ruthless father and following her heart. It is fascinating to watch how she matures into a young woman with a strong determination to do right by everything and everyone.

This is a standalone novel and there is no reading order for the books in the series however I recommend reading them in order of the publication date to fully appreciate the ensemble of supporting characters.

***arc received courtesy of the publisher William Morrow***

phillygirljl's review against another edition

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Rebound is a new adult contemporary romance that is filled with humor, great banter, and interesting characters.

The thing that struck me the most about Rebound was the defined character growth of Alison. I was prepared to not like her and not be able to relate to her based on her character’s actions in book one, Boomerang, but I found her to be quite likable and not at all the bad person I had imagined. While at some times, I felt Alison let people take advantage of her, she turns out to be very smart, tenacious, and willing to go the extra mile to show her father that she can handle investing his money.

I loved the humor and banter between Adam and Alison, as well as the rest of the secondary characters. One of my favorite scene in the book in the beginning where Adam and his employees arrive at the Halloween party. Their interactions with each other are funny and I love Cookie. She comes off as an ice queen, but as Adam puts it, “she’s just a big, soft Yeti monster.”

I also liked the alternate point of view Rebound was written in. I’ve probably mentioned before, but as long as there is a clear distinction between whose “voice” is narrating at the moment, I love reading books with alternate POV because it really lets me see into the characters as they view themselves, and also I experience events from their eyes and not from a third person or third party point of view.

Rebound was a light read with just enough angst to create conflict between the two characters that had to be overcome in order for them to get a “happy ending.” If you’re tired of the usual new adult plot lines with heavy almost insurmountable issues that keep the main characters apart, then Rebound is a great book to read! I also liked how, despite this being a story between two main characters, it had a cast of secondary characters who were just as interesting, and have me looking forward to the next book in the series.

afretts's review against another edition

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DNF @ 12%. I am reeeeaaaaalllly not into this.

lcmarie19's review against another edition

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RATING: 3.25 stars

**This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for my honest review**

Rebound is the second installment of the Boomerang series, a new adult contemporary romance series that follows the lives of various characters. This particular book, Rebound, follows Alison Quick and Adam Blackwood; their lives and their coming together. Both of these characters appeared in the first book, Boomerang. This time, it's their story.

I don't necessarily think you need to read the first book to understand what's going on, but it would help. There's a bit of background for both characters, especially Alison, that could enhance the reading experience and character comprehension for this book.

This was a cute story. It had all of the components for a cutesy romance that, while not the deepest thing I've ever read, keep me pretty entertained. The characters were pretty enjoyable, The plot, though predictable, was fluid and consistent. The pacing was quick enough and the romance was believeable. If you're a fan of cutesy stories that are what I call, "palette cleansers" (not too heavy, not too deep), then I think you'll enjoy this one.

There are some books that serve the purpose of just giving you a good time and making you smile. I'd classify Rebound as that type of book. I went into it just wanting to have a bit of romance in my life... and that's what I got. It was fun, it was quick, it was simple. And that's not a bad thing. It served it's purpose and I enjoyed it.

The characters were fun, the plot was fun and the gratification that you get from start to finish is great. This is definitely a character driven book, and while none of the characters can really carry this book by themselves, together they make the reading experience worthwhile. I don't end up caring deeply for individual characters but I did like the collective. I enjoyed the way that everyone interacted with one another. The dialogue between characters was probably one of the best part about the book.

Overall, I think I got what I was meant to get out of this book. And if one doesn't go into it expecting to have their lives changed or to be moved beyond comprehension, then I think this is one read that'll be easy to enjoy.

booksofviolette's review

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3 or 3.5/5 Really enjoyable. I wish the relationship between the two protagonists was a little more developed though.

maggiemaggio's review against another edition

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I was not the biggest fan of Boomerang. But I also went into Boomerang with really high expectations. I mean, Veronica Rossi co-writing a new adult book, how great does that sound?! Sadly I found Boomerang lacking, but that's actually a good thing here because it seriously lowered my expectations going into Rebound. I actually wasn't even going to read Rebound, I thought Adam was really annoying in Boomerang, but I could borrow the ebook from the library and I love when authors make an unlikable character (Alison) into a likable one so I thought I would see how that all worked out in Rebound.

And I'm happy to say I thought it worked really well. It's not a new favorite book by any stretch of the imagination, but I still enjoyed reading it and I wouldn't try to talk anyone else out of reading it. Alison, Ethan's ex, is checking out Adam's business on behalf of her wealthy father who wants to invest in Boomerang (a Tinder-like online dating service). Alison is trying to prove herself as worthy to her father (who frankly is kind of an ass) so she tries to remain professional and disengaged. Adam is eager to get Alison's dad to invest so he can start the movie studio portion of his empire and although he's kind of thrown by Alison being the one scoping them out he's a smart businessman who can adjust.

The weekend before Alison and Adam are supposed to start working together they both go to Mia's Halloween party and end up hooking up, confessing secrets to each other, and then figuring out who they actually are. Which makes things pretty awkward because they both want to remain professional, but there's also this attraction that goes way beyond physical. The story is basically about Alison figuring out herself and her relationship with her family, Adam coming to terms with the past (he's hiding a pretty big secret), and Adam and Alison building a relationship.

Most of the story really did work well. The pacing was a little off, way too long was spent on the Halloween party at the beginning, eventually it was like let's just get into the crux of the story, but that's the only major issue in this one. It did get cheesy at times and a bit predictable, but that's kind of what I expect from a new adult romance like this.

Even Adam managed to talk me over to his corner. Gone was the hyperactive annoying boss I remembered from Boomerang and in his place was a really nice, wealthy but normal, somewhat tortured guy. If anything he was a completel 180-degree turn from the overly enthusiastic, manipulating guy that was in Boomerang, but maybe that's actually a brilliant move on Noelle August's part to show the guy the way he presents himself to the outside and then the guy who really is inside.

As good as Adam ended up being the real star of the story was Alison. Yes she was a model-gorgeous girl with a heart of gold and that could be a little much, but despite her family and her situation she just came across as so normal and relatable. Her cool exterior worked really well as did her softer side. The way she treated Adam was really sweet and the moments where she was with other people and also with her horses, her true passion, also rang true and really rounded out her character.

Bottom Line: Low expectations or not I ended up really enjoying Rebound. Yes the pacing was a little off and it had its cheesy moments, but for the most part the story was compelling, the characters were interesting, and writing didn't disappoint. I'd still might not totally recommend reading Boomerang, but I would certainly say to give Rebound a try.

This review first appeared on my blog.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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REBOUND is the story of Boomerang CEO Adam Blackwell and Allison Quick, the daughter of the investor who's going to help Adam make a new company, Blackwell Entertainment, a reality. Both of them had an agenda: Adam, to make his company successful and Allison, to prove to her father that she had business sense. But they ended up discovering a whole lot more about themselves and each other that didn't involve bottom lines.

This story was cute and I liked Adam and Allison together, but I had a hard time connecting with the story. Maybe it was the fact that both of these characters seemed to have so much at such a young age. Maybe it was the business with Allison's father and his underhanded cliched way of getting what he wants. There was just something I couldn't connect with. That doesn't mean that this isn't a story other would enjoy (if you look at the review, others obviously have). Adam and Allison did have chemistry together and that was what had me continuing to turn the pages, even if I didn't really care what came next.

michellesantiago's review against another edition

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More like 3.5/5 stars. It was okay. The last fourth of the book was really good but everything else was slow going. Full review to come.