
The Bachelor's Surrender by Janelle Denison

thathannah's review

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Title: The Bachelor's Surremder
Author: Janelle Denison
Release Date: November 1, 2014
Rating: 3

Lauren Richmond runs Bright Beginnings which is a non-profit organization that helps grant wishes to foster children. Chad is a young boy who recently lost both of his parents and his wish is to meet his hero, bull riding champion Rafe Dalton. When Lauren finally finds Rafe he is not the same man he was when he was bull riding. Rafe has been alone for a while due to is self imposed isolation after his injury that forced him out of bull riding. He is also dealing with issues from his past.

When Lauren and Chad come to Rafe's ranch Chad is ecstatic. Rafe on the other hand is having a hard time with people around. He is however great with Chad. Rafe's sister Kristin and her husband James live on the ranch next to Rafe's. So with some extra people to look after and play with Chad that gives Lauren and Rafe time to get closer. Lauren is falling for Rafe but his past his holding him back.

I got this book in a box set on my kindle with [b:The Millionaire's Proposal: Destined For Love Series|23247713|The Millionaire's Proposal Destined For Love Series|Janelle Denison||42790623] and [b:The Cowboy's Gamble: Destined For Love Series|23399371|The Cowboy's Gamble Destined For Love Series|Janelle Denison||42955804]. Originally written in 1998 they were updated and rereleased in 2014. This was a cute book but my least favorite of the three. One reason is that 95% of the book happens over one week. There were a lot of good moments like the dancing in the rain and learning how to lasso but it was still too short of a time to have the characters fall in love. Having feelings is one thing but Lauren was in love like lets get married tomorrow and spend the rest of our lives together obsessed love. Lauren didn't have anything to really work through it was just Rafe but Lauren was so in love with him and sad that he didn't work through all his issue in the one week they knew each other.
She’d never expected to fall in love on her week-long vacation in Wyoming, yet there was no denying that she’d gone and done just that.
“You really do love him.” Lauren’s throat grew tight with so many different sentiments—most predominant was the fact that her love hadn’t been able to heal Rafe’s emotional scars. “Yeah, I really do.”
You've only known him ONE WEEK and you expect him to be all "I've worked through all of my childhood and bull riding issues and am completely in love with you, let's get married and have babies right now and live happily ever after and always be together." At least the other books were over a few months. And once again the dramatic climax and ending were too fast. This book like the others had secondary characters that were not developed enough and only had the purpose of putting the two main characters in the same area.

It worked for a filler just like the other two but if you just need one filler then skip this one and read one of the others. You don't have to read any in order because the characters don't overlap at all, even the secondary characters.

As for Chad's HEA,
Spoilerhe is adopted by...
SpoilerKristin and James