
On Anxiety by 3 of Cups Press

anna3101's review against another edition

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I really wanted to get my hands on this book - and the disappointment was even bigger afterwards. I absolutely hated the writing style of the author. It's oscillating between "I'm trying to sound scientific here" and "I'm really bored writing this book". Yes, I really had an impression she was foced into writing (lack of money? pressing deadlines? nothing else to do?) and didn't enjoy the process at all. As much as I find the subject fascinating, I couldn't get further than the first chapter.

PS Also, some of Freud's legacy is really quite questionable so I'm not sure it's a good idea to start the book with it.

jen1988's review

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There are so many self-help books about anxiety it’s easy to get bogged down with their facts and advice, or the miracle cures that say buy me and all will be well! This book is a perfect antidote to all that, not that there’s anything wrong with self-help books but if you are constantly trying to find the right one to help you, they’re not helping. Take a break from all that and read this book and know you’re not alone.

This book has poems, stories, art and essays featuring individuals experiences with anxiety.

I have so much respect for these brave people. They are excellent writers you feel as though they’re sitting next to you and telling their stories just for you, interesting and engaging stories.

The Mania of Wakefulness by Sarvat Hasin is a personal account of the problem of not being able to sleep, often caused by anxiety or an over active mind, this story discusses solutions that have and haven’t worked. Crossing Borders by Nicole Froio educated me with a story about how it feels to be a Latina crossing the border into the US and the UK. Coast In Breezes by Hannah Williams such a well written, atmospheric, almost poetic, honest read. Stress Reduction for Companion Birds by Elf Goldstone is so creative and perfectly illustrates the anxious state. The Alligator by Alice Slater is so visual and … I can’t pick a favourite out of this collection. I could go on: every entry of this creative unique anthology is engaging and the quality of the writing is amazing! I’m sorry if I haven’t mentioned what I like about all of the stories etc but they are all good and there’s nothing I didn’t like. You’ll just have to buy a copy and see for yourself 😉 I couldn’t appreciate the artwork on an ebook which is why I need a physical copy!

This is one of the most diverse books I have read and whilst I can’t relate to everything (Black Girl Healing: Making It Better) the thoughts about anxiety are universal and I enjoyed reading these stories and being educated. I love to read about people who are from cultures other than my own, they are enlightening and it’s important to learn about other peoples lives, to understand and get to know them. At the end of the day we are all people, we are the same!

I’d recommend this book to anxiety sufferers, so that they might not feel so alone and to those who know someone as it can help them to understand the complex goings on of the anxious mind. And for anyone who is intrigued or who wants to know more and educate themselves about this invisible but often debilitating and hurtful thing that is anxiety: which has many forms from panic attacks and OCD to GAD where worry and overthinking can dominate almost every thought.

emalda's review

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Highly relatable content. Just what I needed. Some of it very stressful too, but I needed this right now. Didn't check the resources in the end yet, but I'm sure they will be helpful too, when I get to them.

gal33's review

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Short stories, essays, and art that have me thinking, rethinking, and overthinking. I found my own thoughts and thought process being put down on paper in other people's words.
I don't feel as alone or as fucked up.
If you have anxiety or simply know someone who lives with anxiety - I highly recommend this anthology.

zimlicious's review against another edition

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Kaygı, diğer adıyla “anksiyete” diye bilinen şey beni yaklaşık bir ay önce acillik ettiğine göre bende de kaygı bozukluğu olduğuna dair şüphe yok. Olaylar şöyle gelişti: en azından bir haftadır falan biraz başım döner gibi oluyordum. O cuma günü sabahtan Bomonti’de toplantım vardı. Dönüşte iş arkadaşlarımla Kadıköy’de buluşacaktım. Mecidiyeköy’den metrobüse bindim; klasik kıtalar arası geçiş yöntemim yani, normalin dışında bir şey yok. Metrobüste birden başım dönmeye başladı; bayılacak gibi oldum. Bunu fark eden birinin bana yer vermesiyle de bir şekilde köprüyü geçerek, kendimi Kadıköy’e, iş arkadaşımın yanına attım. “Tansiyonuna baktıralım bari” deyince eczaneye gittik. Eczane ne dese beğenirsiniz? Tansiyonum normalmiş ama nabzım çok hızlı atıyormuş; acile gitmeliymişim…

Hiç heyecanlı şekilde anlatmadım hikâyeyi, farkındayım ama bu iş ciddi. O gün bugündür iki kere doktora gittim geldim. Nabzımı düzenleyici ilaçlar, vücudumda kalmayan demiri, vitaminleri kendine getiren ilaçlar derken şu anda günde en az on hap yutar durumdayım. Hatta yıllık izin dönüşü haftada üç gün iğneler başlayacak. “Peki bunun kaygı bozukluğu ile ne alakası var?” dediğinizi duyar gibiyim…


qui_ami's review against another edition

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This was a really good collection of essays/art; These ones in particular stood out to me.

* Alignment - Sophie Mackintosh

* Crossing Borders - Nicole Froio

* Coast in Breezes - Hannah Williams

* Spinning Straw into Gold - Grace Au

* Pon di Road - Shanicka Anderson

* (F)logging On - Sharlene Teo

* Certain Calamity - Lori England

* What Uses of Flowers - Deborah Frempong

* Sonant - Eley Williams

*Black Girl Healing: Making It Better - Marianne Tatepo

* Me I.R.L - Siobhan Britton (art)

redewhurst's review against another edition

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emotional informative slow-paced


elleha's review against another edition

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an amazing little book I loved it! thank you for putting it together