
Veruchia by E.C. Tubb

bookcrazylady45's review

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So pleased to find I am still enjoying the series. People change and so do their tastes and what I loved at 30 might not please me at 70 but I find it still does.

sfian's review

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Another breathless (pun recognised as I typed it) adventure for Dumarest. This one has a bit plot point that bypassed me, but these are, essentially, pulp novels that don't necessarily represent the pinnacle of plotting, or even writing.

Still really like them, though.

peterseanesq's review

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It's book 8 and the tropes and cliches are all in place.

Earl Dumarest is still looking for clues to the location of lost Earth. A forced random choice brings him to the planet Dradea, where, out of money, Earl has to fight with the giant avian Crell in the arena. Crell's are fast and fearsome and the weapon that Crell fighters are given are inadequate. The purpose of the game is to restore vitality to the people of Dradea.

Veruchia, one of the two heirs to the Owner of Dradea, is in the audience. At the behest of her mentor Selkas, who has seen Dumarest fight when Dumarest was younger, urges Veruchia to enter into a sizeable bet with her cousin, the other heir to the planet. Dumarest wins, of course, but that attracts the interest of the local Cyclan representative.

The Owner dies and Veruchia is induced to hire Dumarest as a bodyguard. Veruchia is told that her claim will be denied if she cannot find the long-lost first ship that brought the original settlers to Dradea. But the Cyclan are giving false clues and the location of the ship is guarded by the monsters of Dradea.

Will Veruchia will find the ship? Will Dumarest finds clues to Earth? Will he kill the Cyclan after being captured? Will someone refer to how fast Dumarest is? Will Dumarest show again and again that he is most macho man on the planet?

There are thirty more books to go in this series.