
Meant To Be Broken by Brandy Woods Snow

lookingforamandaa's review

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I really don’t have anything bad to say about Meant to be Broken. I thought the characters were fabulous. They were likable and realistic and reacted to the situations in the story in ways that made sense. I loved the little town that this book took place. The story was more than I was expecting in every way. I would for sure recommend it to anyone looking for their next contemporary read.

haleighmw's review

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Meant to Be Broken is my favorite YA romance of the year. It’s a love triangle, but at its core it is a story about family, with a good dose of found families (my fav!)

Rayne is just trying to survive high school and is careful not to do anything to upset her anxious Mama. But then football star Preston asks her out and she’s thrust into the town spotlight. Luckily she has Preston and his brother Gage there to stand between her and the gossip about what Preston could even see in her. But even though everything’s good with Preston, her growing friendship with Gage quickly becomes the best thing in her life. Neither of them want to hurt Preston, and they both feel stuck in between family loyalty and the way they feel when they’re together. Cue all of the drama and cute and swoony moments!

The best part of the book is the insane character growth. By the end of the book we see Rayne, Gage, and Preston go from unsure high schoolers to young adults who have each found part of their place in the world.

I recommend this book to fans of YA romance, fans of YA contemporary, fans of stories set in small towns, and anyone who likes books that are beautifully written and feature fully developed characters!

tiffanyylizz's review

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I received a copy of Meant to be Broken via the author in exchange for my honest review.

My heart is done. Brandy Woods Snow wrecked me with Meant to be Broken. So many emotions, twists and turns, it sounds gut wrenching from the synopsis? Don't worry, nothing is as it seems. I am not saying it is not gut wrenching period, I am saying it is more than you could imagine. Buckle up buttercup.

We've got a little love triangle that plays out throughout the novel. I know some don't like those, so here is your heads up. Personally, this was the wildest love triangle roller coaster I've ever been on with a book, and so worth it. I am still reeling.

Preston, Gage, and Rayne are a total handful. Preston is that college bound boy who has his life planned out and parents who definitely don't like you. Gage is that rebel, totally misunderstood, maybe acting out a little bad boy that everyone loves. And Rayne is the smart, witty, introverted girl who gets pushed around by her "best friend." Sound familiar? Every school has a Gage, Preston, and Rayne. But how will this story play out?

**Kind of spoiler/kind of not? Skip this paragraph if you don't want to know my about my assumptions pre-read** I was so convinced that Gage and Rayne were siblings and that Rayne's mom had an affair with their dad. I am so glad I was wrong because I had no idea where the book was going to go if that was the case because WEIRD.

I am interested in seeing how Snow continues the series. I am definitely interested in some follow ups/novels about Preston, Jaycee, maybe Preston and Gage's dad even?

Definitely take some time to check out the book trailer that I linked up above. Meant to be Broken is a heart breaking and then mending, and then breaking, and then mending (you get the point?) story you do not want to miss out on.

escapelifeinthepages's review

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*disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Holy... okay.. wow.

This book pissed me off so much but I loved it too. These thoughts are going to be jumbled. Let's talk about what I enjoyed...

I loved the short chapters. Short chapters are my favorite because it makes me feel like i'm reading relatively fast. Plus the chapters are in different points of view which I also thoroughly enjoyed. It was cool seeing different peoples opinions on Preston.

For the most part, I thought the pacing was pretty good. It felt a little too slow towards the ending. Like the pacing did well in the first 200 pages then felt really slow after that.

I could relate to rayne. She's dating a guy but falls in love with his brother. I was in a relationship and realized I was falling for my best friend. I could relate to her guilt and not wanting to feel that way.

I really loved all the characters. Brandy did a great job at making the characters feel alive. They felt real. They became my friends. A part of me will cherish them for a long time.

One thing I didn't like was how Rayne viewed anxiety. They way it was described in the book left a bad taste in my mouth because I struggled with anxiety. Rayne does end up changing her views about it tho which I appreciated.

Rayne and Preston's relationship seemed a little instalovey. However, the slow burning romace between Rayne and Gage was very well done. Yes there is a love triangle in the book, which I usually despise, but this made sense. I appreciate it.

The book felt longer than it needed to be. After like 300 pages it started to feel like I was reading a soap opera. There was so much drama and so much happening within the plot. There was a point where I got so annoyed that I started to care less about the characters but they won me over again in the end.

Overall, this was a cute southern book. I recommend it if you want to read something makes your heart melt but also makes you want to chuck your book at the wall.

jlw_writes's review

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4.5 Stars

Full transparency, I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Seriously, check past ARC reviews, I can be brutal.

Firstly, the book BEGS to be an audiobook. I don't mean that in an "It sucked reading it but if someone was reading it to me, it'd be good" way, I mean it like this. Typically in contemporary, there are not large amounts of world building because HELLLOOO we already live here, but Brandy did a great job of concocting these scenes. They made you feel like you were standing in the middle of a Southern town, waiting for the gossip from the Piggy Wiggly to get to your Great-Aunt Gertrude who would no doubt skin your hide upon the learning of said gossip. Oh yeah and that southern town thing? You KNEW you were there. By the way people spoke, the things they said, and what was going on around them, it was straight up what you would expect to see in any small southern town. I could HEAR the characters talking in my head. It is soooo audiobook ready.

Shew, now that we got the setting out of the way, let's get to those characters.

Rayne: Heck yes to Rayne! She's a good girl who tries her best not to disappoint her family or her town. She wants to do her best to make them proud. Even if she does want to punch them in the face sometimes (I can relate). She's a little confused (what 17-year-old isn't) but she has a good heart.

Preston: He's kind of got a stick up his butt and a little bit of a superiority complex. It's to be expected. His family (mom) constantly tells him to keep his act together so he doesn't embarrass the family. The whole town thinks he's some Godsend to Earth just for their enjoyment (especially the women). He's likable and yet sometimes really clueless.

Gage: Can Gage just be my new book boyfriend already? Oh he's 18 and I'm 31? Nevermind. He's witty and kinda dark and yet he's still a jock and hangs with the "cool dudes". He's like this weird amalgamation of the loner and the football star and I love that about him. He's honest, he's sincere, and sometimes he says some of the BEST things.

Side characters (The Davidsons, The Howards, the friends): You could really FEEL for these characters (especially Rayne's mama). Everyone doesn't end exactly where or how you think they will and any time the side characters have just as much character growth as the main characters, IN A ROMANCE NOVEL, you know it's writing gold.

Speaking of writing, how was it, you ask? Phenomenal. I highlighted so much of my book (ebook, don't shoot me), there was just too much to enjoy. Here's just a sample of this brilliance:

This is Mama’s ultimate lie detector test, like an exorcism where the possessed person can’t say Jesus’ name. If I’m hiding a guilty conscience from last night and then have the audacity to stand in the pulpit and sing today, surely my head will burst into flames or something, then she’d know the truth.

Brandy Woods Snow. Meant to be Broken (Kindle Locations 861-863). Filles Vertes Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.

AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE SECRETS!!!! I'm not even talking about the love triangle stuff, I'm talking about the stuff Mama is hiding. Good lord, that's enough drama for all the high school drama departments in Texas. I loved it!

This book covered more time than I expected and I enjoyed that. It gave it that slow burn feel that you want in a romance. And I liked the way it ended. Some closure with just a liiiiitle bit of an opening for something more.
We have to see Preston get his happy ending now, am I right?

Oh! And I wanted to add, this is a clean read. There's not much more than what you see on regular tv programming sans a little extra bit of nudity.

Ok so now that I've raved about everything that I loved, surely you'll want to know what I didn't.

1) Girl on girl hate. I know, I know, it's a real thing and it's a sometimes necessary plot device. But I don't like it.

2) Love triangles. I mean, let's be honest I KNEW this was a love triangle from the beginning (I mean, did you read the synopsis?) but the part I can't handle is why no one ever just, tells the truth? But they're teenagers and I'll give them a pass this time.

That's really it. I enjoyed this story, I read the whole book in a little over 24 hours and I can't wait to read more by this author in the future.

candacerobinsonauthor's review

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Contemporary is always tricky tricky for me because most of them I just can't truly get into. However, this book had me coming up with all kinds of emotions—aww, I want to throw this book at the wall, these characters are stressing me out, puppy dog eyes, and more!!

Yes, for all you love triangle haters, usually me included, there is one—but it makes sense. You know right off the bat who Rayne likes. And it makes you think well, sometimes you just meet the wrong person first, and instead of stay with them, there should be a way to change that—even if it's his brother.

Gage was pretty awesome, and I loved the chemistry between him and Rayne. Preston, I went back and forth with that boy! Actually, there were aspects all throughout the story where all the characters were stressing me out! And this was good stressing out! Because I prayed and hoped the journey would end well, but I just never knew! I'll keep the spoilers out!

Overall, a great book and loved the addiction of it. I'd love to read more from this author and can't wait to see what she does next!

yourwordsmyink's review

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Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed this southern romance book. It started off strong and all of the characters were generally likeable (I’m looking at you Jaycee). The writing was smooth and pulled me into the romance. I could connect with both of the main characters, however, my biggest complaint about the book was the pacing. Around the middle and more towards the end, the story started to unravel a bit. Rayne and Gage are pulled apart, which is generally a romance book cliche, but the miscommunication between the two of them annoyed me to no end. It’s one of my least favourite tropes. If people just talked to each other, we’d avoid half the drama in romance novels. But that’s just me

clbeamer's review

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If you love a southern love story that takes you back to falling in love for the first time then this is a book you will get lost in. It brings about emotions that stay with you long after you are done reading. I'm a sucker for small town love, and this book hit the mark.

samwlabb's review

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Rating: 3.5 Stars

Life in a small town could be pleasant, but it could also be filled with lots of drama, especially if you fall for your boyfriend's brother.

• Pro: As I was reading this, I kept thinking it was sort of in the style of Abbi Glines' books, which is a good thing, because I love her books. It had that soapy drama quality, which I hunger for from time to time. You know, lots of delicious drama and southern charm, peppered with scandals. I was into it.

• Pro: I was a BIG Gage fan. He was this down to earth guy, who was loyal and loved fiercely. There were a few times I worried he was going to disappoint me, but he eventually self-corrected and got back on track. I found myself rooting for Gage to find his happy, because I thought he really deserved it.

• Con: I felt like Snow was very ambitious with how many plot lines she wanted in this book. Though I thought it flowed well, the books was a little bit on the longer side, because it was trying to accomplish so much.

• Pro: I was a a fan of the romance. The banter between Rayne and Gage was lots of fun, and their attraction and ardor was very believable. They were so sweet together, and their actions spoke volumes for how much they cared for each other.

• Pro: The setting was utilized in a great way for this story. Snow focused on a lot of the negatives, but also highlighted some of the positive aspects we expect in a small town setting.

• Pro: Of the three books in this edition of Nutshells, this one had the best ending. With all the pain and suffering me and the characters had to endure, we deserved that ending. It made left me in such a good-feels way.

• Pro: There were times I wanted to shake Rayne, because I couldn't understand her choices, but she had to recover from multiple setbacks over the course of this book, and as a result grew tremendously.

• Pro: I am curious to see where Snow goes with this series, because I can see quite a few possibilities.

Overall: An engaging story filled with swoony romance and juicy drama.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


doyoudogear's review

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"Love is supposed to create a spark, a chemical connection that roots around in your gut and drives you just a little crazy but in a really good way."

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Any quotes I use are from an unpublished copy and may not reflect the finished product.

Meant To Be Broken was excruciating in every single way. It's going to be hard to review without spoilers, so some of my comments might seem vague.

First, the book was longer than it needed to be. I was completely invested in the story for the first half, but when Gage does something selfish (thinking he's being selfless), I stopped enjoying it as much. However, I was patient and understood he needed time to figure things out, but then Rayne keeps her own secret that further prolongs the story. There shouldn't have been any hesitation on her part, and I really wish everyone had just been honest from the beginning.

I was okay with the love triangle, because I thought it was written well, but the secrets really grated on my nerves. It was obvious both Rayne and Gage cared deeply about Preston, and neither of them wanted to hurt him. They never crossed a line, but they did stand right on top of it. I thought that entire situation could have been handled better, although it felt realistic. The small town atmosphere was authentic and familiar, and the Southern accents reminded me of my childhood -- especially the gossip and drama.

I really like how the book ended, but I wish they had been able to get there another way. The author puts them through a lot of pain, which means we share their grief and their heartache. It was really bad at one point, and I thought I was going to scream at the pages. I wanted to shove my hands down their throats and force the right words to come out. It would have been so simple, and it would have kept them from hurting more than they were.

There's a lot more I want to say about the second half of the book, but everything after this will contain spoilers, so read at your own risk.
Gage leaves everyone behind to find his grandparents and learn more about his mother, which is completely understandable, but everything after that felt off. The time spent with his newfound family was short-lived, but also brought drastic changes to his life. He suddenly wants to join the Army, and still doesn't contact Rayne. She can't tell him she's pregnant with his baby, because she has no way of getting in touch with him. It was an awful situation for her, and Gage makes it worse by asking Preston to be there for her. He just hopes she'll wait for him, but he's given her no reason to.

I thought the Army references, and the pregnancy descriptions were spot-on. The author has either experienced them herself, or done extensive research. I've personally experienced both, and I felt like I was reliving parts of my past. Rayne's mother also had a tragic story, and one that did not get a happy ending. She died thinking she'd committed some atrocity, a weight she carried from that day forward, but the "accident" wasn't her fault.

Meant To Be Broken also made me stabby. There are a few characters that are truly terrible people. One is a mother, and that's completely unacceptable to me. The father in this scenario should have said and done more than he did, too. Two people masqueraded as a friends, but it was clear they always had ulterior motives. "I check over my shoulder—Preston’s still chatting in the kitchen, ignorant of the fact his brother and I are about to cut a bitch."

Everyone was hurt, and everyone deserved better. I thought it was a truly remarkable story that left an impression, but I wish it had been slimmed down a little. There was too much torment, if that makes sense. I kept waiting for the happily ever after, but felt like I had to swim through sewage to get there.

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on September 4, 2018.