lep42's review against another edition

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Time to make some notes about this one, so I can let my mother borrow it!

Original Shorts Section

pg. 69 "We let a man name himself after his children, after a country not relevant to any of them, not true to any story of their lives. We assert that names are changeable, assignable at whim, and then we attach unalterable value to them."

pg. 273 "The Tip of The Tongue" by Felicia Davin, reminds me of [b:Fahrenheit 451|17470674|Fahrenheit 451|Ray Bradbury|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1469704347s/17470674.jpg|1272463]
pg. 86 Felicia Davin bisexual Western MA scifi writer (TBC?)

pg. 87 "How to Remember to Forget to Remember the Old War." by [a:Rose Lemberg|4412860|Rose Lemberg|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-6a03a5c12233c941481992b82eea8d23.png]" brilliant, checkout more of her work

pg. 95 "Plant Children" by [a:Jessica Yang|14051504|Jessica Yang|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] (POC author), creepy good, some lovely prose passages
pg. 103 "The yam leaves ever hardy, continued to live on. If yam leaves were people Qiyan though, they would be boisterous uncles who wore suspenders over stained undershirts. and spat fat globs of phlegm on the side of the road."

pg. 105 "Nothing is Pixels Here" by K.M. Sparza (http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/nothing-is-pixels-here/), interesting use of Virtual Reality, exploration of trans issues
pg. 115 author bio for K.M. Sparza, local to Baltimore, Masters in Theological Studies from Harvard

pg. 116 "Madeline" by [a:Amal El-Mohtar|4175512|Amal El-Mohtar|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1299879154p2/4175512.jpg], memory, therapy, loss, allusions to [a:Proust|15523083|Proust|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]
pg. 116 artist Orion Zangara
pg. 130 author bio

pg. 131 "Two By Two" by Tim Sussman, queers, some kind of apochlypse?, alt history, family the CSA (Confederate States of America)
pg. 145 author bio

pg. 157 [a:Susan Jane Bigelow|4349709|Susan Jane Bigelow|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1294773108p2/4349709.jpg] trans women author, local to Northern CT (TBC), libertarian?

Flash Fiction Section

pg. 167 http://www.nerds-feather.com/

pg. 168 "Helping Hand" by Claudia Griggs , interesting space opera esque.
pg. 172 bio, Writing Center Director at Rhode Island College and writes on transsexuals (TBC)

pg. 173 "The Lamb Chop" by Stephen Cox, interesting alien, transgressive love between 2 queer dudes since once is alien and one is not (aliens control earth?)
pg. 177 bio

pg. 178 "Mama" by Eliza Gauger, beautiful prose, strange flash fiction

pg. 180 "Bucket List..." by Erica L. Satifka, concept bucket list before the singularity, bi women with gender queer spouse

pg. 189 author bio of Gabby Reed, didn't particularly like their story in the anthology but nevertheless seems intriguing, queer, bisexual Filpin@-American writer, poetry, story in [b:Beyond: the Queer Sci-Fi & Fantasy Comic Anthology|20625032|Beyond the Queer Sci-Fi & Fantasy Comic Anthology|Sfe R. Monster|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1441720978s/20625032.jpg|39910718] (which I really must read)

pg. 194 "In the Dawn Between Hours." by [a:Sarah Pinsker|6683690|Sarah Pinsker|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1391970984p2/6683690.jpg]. sweet romantic time travel story with lesbians!
pg. 197 author bio, lives in Baltimore

pg. 198 "Increasing Police Viability." by [a:Bogi Takács|6469904|Bogi Takács|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1452480597p2/6469904.jpg], interesting take on security apparatus,
pg. 201"Bayes Theorem" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem)
pg. 201 author bio, poetry writer

Reprint Fiction

pg. 215 blog Queer Book Club
pg. 215 podcast HARK! A Holiday Music Podcast
pg. 215 webcomic Riot Nrdd

pg. 216 "Red Run" by AMJ Hudson, life switching
pg. 227 author bio, track down her piece "Motherland."

pg. 228 "CyberFruit Swamp" by Raven Kaldera, (I know him), interesting but a bit dated, color chain to identify what you are and are looking for (pg. 229), trans terminology
pg. 240 author bio. Raven could be on a queer scifi and fantasy panel at TBC!

pg. 241 "The Sound of His Wings" by [a:Rand B. Lee|279211|Rand B. Lee|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1442463067p2/279211.jpg]
pg. 242 "the sike and the simp," pg. 253 more terminology
powers, mutants and non mutants (like Xmen or Heroes), themes of identity, originally published 1982
pg. 263 Author bio

pg. 264 "O Happy Day." by [a:Geoff Ryman|50408|Geoff Ryman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1217410348p2/50408.jpg] lesbian separatism, men killed except gay men who are used to kill the other men, concentration camps, surveillance, interesting from a history of genre specific, but stupid reductive gender existentialism. still moving in places.
pg. 292 author bio

Excerpt of...
[b:Skin Folk|71413|Skin Folk|Nalo Hopkinson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344270475s/71413.jpg|69157] (I wanted to like this more than I did)
pg. 300 bio

Author Spotlights

pg. 314 [b:Bitter Waters|23419886|Bitter Waters|Chaz Brenchley|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1414791498s/23419886.jpg|42978714] and [b:Being Small|22980327|Being Small|Chaz Brenchley|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1409618426s/22980327.jpg|42521434] by [a:Chaz Brenchley|108668|Chaz Brenchley|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1263876167p2/108668.jpg]

pg. 317 [a:Rose Lemberg|4412860|Rose Lemberg|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-6a03a5c12233c941481992b82eea8d23.png] talks about her concern in her writing with what happens when water is over, also the impact of trauma
pg. 319 mentions Sciegentasy
pg. 320 mentions story "Grandmother-nai Leylit's Cloth of Winds." in magazine Beneath Ceaseless Skies and "The Book of How to Live" in Start a Revolution
and finally "Geometries of Belonging" (also in Beneath Ceaseless Skies)

pg. 327 Be on the look out for Docile, "a science romance set in a near future Baltimore City." by [a:K.M. Szpara|6889171|K.M. Szpara|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]

pg.329 Find and read "The Green Room" by [a:Amal El-Mohtar|4175512|Amal El-Mohtar|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1299879154p2/4175512.jpg]
pg. 331 T.V. show to try"Blakes 7" and the accompanying podcast (https://downandsafe.wordpress.com/).

pg. 342 book recs by [a:R.J. Edwards|653244|R.J. Edwards|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]
[b:Nevada|17313660|Nevada|Imogen Binnie|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359770508s/17313660.jpg|21399644]
[b:A Safe Girl to Love|22050397|A Safe Girl to Love|Casey Plett|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1399495379s/22050397.jpg|41376847]

pg. 344 books recs by AMJ Hudson
[b:Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club|13237238|Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club|Benjamin Alire Sáenz|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1394522833s/13237238.jpg|18435063]

pg. 349 author spotlight by [a:Rand B. Lee|279211|Rand B. Lee|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1442463067p2/279211.jpg] mentions East Wind Community
pg. 351 look out for Centaur Station

pg. 351 Reviewer to watch out for their own work (Arley Song)

Artist Gallery

Orion Zangara (pg. 357)
Isabel Collier (pg 357)
Steen (pg. 357)
pg. 362 Afrofuturism in Aailyah music video "We Need a Revolution
pg. 364 agapeic romance

Book Reviews, June 2015: Friendship, Chosen Family and Queer Communities by Amal El Mohtar

pg. 365 [b:Archivist Wasp|23282249|Archivist Wasp|Nicole Kornher-Stace|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1430944335s/23282249.jpg|42820078], YA without a love triangle! primary relationships friendships

pg. 366-367 [b:Karen Memory|22238181|Karen Memory|Elizabeth Bear|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1416421976s/22238181.jpg|41186237], diversity not forced or unusual, [a:Mary Robinette Kowal|2868678|Mary Robinette Kowal|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1365253716p2/2868678.jpg]'s principle of "subtract homogeneity for the sake of realism"

Other Nonfiction

pp. 370-377 Interview with [a:David Gerrold|5786|David Gerrold|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/m_50x66-82093808bca726cb3249a493fbd3bd0f.png], [b:The Martian Child: A Novel About a
Single Father Adopting a Son|709750|The Martian Child A Novel About a Single Father Adopting a Son|David Gerrold|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312020257s/709750.jpg|829110], also his nonfiction essay take down of [a:Orson Scott Card|589|Orson Scott Card|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1294099952p2/589.jpg]'s homophobia (http://joemygod.blogspot.com/2013/07/gay-sci-fi-author-david-gerrold-slams.html) and on Hugos
I still need to read [b:The Man Who Folded Himself|624122|The Man Who Folded Himself|David Gerrold|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344701884s/624122.jpg|610483]!
"That's how I feel about human beings. We're all different, we're all interesting, and we're all monsters too, each of us in own way. I've had the 'privileged of meeting of lots of people, weird, beautiful, sane, crazy, damaged, recovering, sad, ambitious, foolish --- and even a couple of sociopaths as well. And that stuff rubs off. (I have no idea what part of me rubs off onto other people."
LGBT people as monsters
influential books on him [b:City of Night|109713|City of Night|John Rechy|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347427996s/109713.jpg|451787], [b:The Front Runner|343738|The Front Runner (Harlan's Story, #1)|Patricia Nell Warren|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327890266s/343738.jpg|334081], [b:Venus Plus X|845074|Venus Plus X|Theodore Sturgeon|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320421366s/845074.jpg|924050]
His experience with Star Trek TNG and Star Trek New voyages
[b:Moonstar Odyssey|991414|Moonstar Odyssey|David Gerrold|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1264730643s/991414.jpg|976909]
[b:The Martian Child: A Novel About a Single Father Adopting a Son|709750|The Martian Child A Novel About a Single Father Adopting a Son|David Gerrold|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312020257s/709750.jpg|829110]
Interview by Mark Oshiro

pg. 378 book mentioned [b:The Stars Change|18754952|The Stars Change|Mary Anne Mohanraj|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1383672913s/18754952.jpg|26645614]
pg. 382 Jennifer Cross, black queer feminist nerd Outside the Box and Writing Ourselves Whole

pg. 383 "Not Android, Not Alien, Not Accident: Asexual and Agender in Science Fiction" by Cedar Rae Duke
pg. 386 Star Trek TNG episode "The Outcast" commentary on
pg. 388 bio

pg. 389 "Diversity in the Ghetto: The Marginalization of Modern Activism in Traditional Fandom" by Pablo Miguel Alberto Vasquez
pg. 391 bio

pg. 393 "Queers in a Strange Land." by Amber Neko Meador
essay on [a:Robert A. Heinlein|205|Robert A. Heinlein|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1192826560p2/205.jpg]
pg. 397 bio, film "Night of the Living Catgirl", [b:Other Selves: A Journey of Gender, Fiction, Discovery, and Hope|22671680|Other Selves A Journey of Gender, Fiction, Discovery, and Hope|Amber Neko Meador|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1404689880s/22671680.jpg|42175009]

Personal Essays

pg. 408 [a:Sandra Odell|3185076|Sandra Odell|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1358862263p2/3185076.jpg]'s essay mentions [a:Hiromi Goto|87495|Hiromi Goto|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1322784355p2/87495.jpg][a:Charlie J. Andrews|580219|Charlie J. Andrews|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png], and [a:Nisi Shawl|806782|Nisi Shawl|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1411718332p2/806782.jpg] among others

pg. 413 An Owomoyela asexual author

pg. 415 Mark Oshiro (see above) mentions [b:The Left Hand of Darkness|18423|The Left Hand of Darkness|Ursula K. Le Guin|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388229638s/18423.jpg|817527] which I totally still need to read

pg. 417 "Science Fiction Has Always Been Queer by [a:Sigrid Ellis|4891987|Sigrid Ellis|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]
pg. 418 bio, [b:Queers Dig Time Lords|18336693|Queers Dig Time Lords|Sigrid Ellis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1381966044s/18336693.jpg|23714374]

pg. 419 "Halfway in the Pool" by James L. Sutter
bisexual representation

pg. 422 "All That Glitters" by Jill Seidenstein
pg. 424 bio, twitter @outseide

pg. 428 Jerome Stuart, Be on the look out for his novel "One Nation Under Gods." website on religion in science fiction (https://tesseracts18.com/)

pg. 429 [b:The Fall of the Kings|20002|The Fall of the Kings (Riverside, #3)|Ellen Kushner|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388335315s/20002.jpg|1441950], answer for "when did you first recognize yourself in a science fiction or fantasy novel?"

pg. 432 "All Your Fic Are Belong to Us." Wonderfully snarky essay
pg. 434 bio, novella "The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers Beneath the Queen's Window."

pg. 435 "Go Bisexual Space Rangers, Go! by [a:Cecilia Tan|65430|Cecilia Tan|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1204924850p2/65430.jpg] (TBC)
homosexuality in [a:John Varley|27341|John Varley|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1346593830p2/27341.jpg]
group marriages in [a:Diane Duane|11761|Diane Duane|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1285664395p2/11761.jpg]

pg. 438 "Drama Kid" by Cecil Baldwin
pg. 439, bio, narrator of "Welcome to Nightvale"

pg. 442 "Confessions of a Queer Curator" by [a:Lynne M. Thomas|2897358|Lynne M. Thomas|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1307040867p2/2897358.jpg]
librarian (http://libguides.niu.edu/sciencefiction)
recommends [b:Swordspoint|68485|Swordspoint (Riverside, #1)|Ellen Kushner|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388903158s/68485.jpg|1453593], Stratford Man series
pg. 444 bio, SQUEECAST

pg. 445 "Where Now Must I Go To Make A Home" by [a:Hal Duncan|143699|Hal Duncan|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1400221984p2/143699.jpg]Hal Duncan
escapism v. rescuism
"A little escapism's no bad thing but what I've found in SF is something better dubbed rescuism, I think. Utopias, dystopias and heterotopias exploring the capacities of cultures for glorious deviance from the normative."

pg. 448 "Destruction is What Creation Needs." by [a:Sunny Moraine|3149946|Sunny Moraine|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1300031533p2/3149946.jpg]
"Science fiction for me has always been about the erosion of constraints. it's always been about flexibility, transformation. It's always been about building, but also about movement within and outside of that building. It's always been about constructing something and then smashing it apart to see what happens. It's been about questioning everything. Changing everything, if it's possible to do so."
pg. 448 bio, live just outside D.C. (TBC), [b:Line and Orbit|16061679|Line and Orbit (Root Code, #1)|Sunny Moraine|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1349218477s/16061679.jpg|21849706], [b:A Brief History of the Future: collected essays|22491232|A Brief History of the Future collected essays|Sunny Moraine|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1402940233s/22491232.jpg|41930985], Website

pg. 448 [a:Sam Miller|846125|Sam Miller|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] novelette We Are the Cloud
writer of color [a:Lisa Bolekaja|7796404|Lisa Bolekaja|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] "work through shit just 2 feel comfortable putting sentences on paper. Some days 1 sentence is a a miracle."
pg. 448 bio

pg. 452 [a:Lisa Morton|345026|Lisa Morton|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1320349809p2/345026.jpg] recommends[b:Starfarers|263022|Starfarers|Vonda N. McIntyre|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1217613827s/263022.jpg|1381781]
pg. 454 bio, lives in D.C. (TBC)

pg. 457 [a:Alyssa Wong|8178928|Alyssa Wong|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1469819886p2/8178928.jpg], Website

pg. 461 must read [a:Joanna Russ|52310|Joanna Russ|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1423801257p2/52310.jpg]
pg. 462 [a:Everett Maroon|5759590|Everett Maroon|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1330807578p2/5759590.jpg], trans, [b:The Unintentional Time Traveler|22953423|The Unintentional Time Traveler|Everett Maroon|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|34233283]

pg. 466 [b:Minions of the Moon|750525|Minions of the Moon|Richard Bowes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1311984733s/750525.jpg|736661]
[a:Christopher Barzak|396931|Christopher Barzak|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1440452205p2/396931.jpg]

pg. 468 "A World of Queer Imagination" by [a:Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam|7374869|Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1383682938p2/7374869.jpg]
talks about Willow on Buffy
and "Inventory" by Carmen Maria Marchado
pg. 469 bio of essay writer

pg. 474 "Queers Digging and Destroying" by [a:Michael Damien Thomas|7336892|Michael Damien Thomas|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]
probably my favorite of the bunch of personal essays. biphobia within hetero and queer communities
pg. 476 author bio

Special Issue Staff bios (pg. 495)

[a:Seanan McGuire|2860219|Seanan McGuire|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1245623198p2/2860219.jpg] aka [a:Mira Grant|3153776|Mira Grant|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1380320279p2/3153776.jpg]
[a:Steve Berman|224189|Steve Berman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1258753902p2/224189.jpg]
[a:Sigrid Ellis|4891987|Sigrid Ellis|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]
[a:Mark Oshiro|5183642|Mark Oshiro|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1361575297p2/5183642.jpg]
[a:Wendy N. Wagner|4395892|Wendy N. Wagner|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1392827026p2/4395892.jpg]
Cecil Baldwin
Arley Sorg (linked elsewhere in review)
Sandra Odell (linked elsewhere in review)
Jill Seidenstein (linked elsewhere in review)
[a:Rahul Kanakia|4114729|Rahul Kanakia|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1443738329p2/4114729.jpg]

claudia_is_reading's review against another edition

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An excellent anthology in which is quite visible the effort that was put in making it as inclusive as possible.

There are happy stories and sad stories, angry stories and thoughtful ones, stories filled with hope and hopeless, but in all of them, the characters are brilliant and what shines at their heart.

Really worthy of your time.

The narrators vary in their effectivity, but they are en general very good.

apostrophen's review against another edition

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Overall impression: a couple of mis-matches among the audio performers and the story they were performing sometimes left for an odd disconnect twice, but overall I did find the collection really, really strong. I also found it really, really dark, grim, and at times so depressing I walked away from it to listen to other things for a while. That's not to say it's not great (it is), just that my mood in winter couldn't sustain more and more of these stories where the "victory" (if there was one) was so often with an admixture of loss/settling-for-less/holding-on-to-scraps. I loved seeing all this queerness, but after listening to it, I really, really want there to be another collection: Queers Destroy Solarpunk or something.

I'll be reviewing some of the stories as part of my ongoing "Sunday Shorts" series on my blog, so if you'd like to see thoughts on any particular story, that's where they'll be showing up throughout the year (that link will take you to these stories in particular).

ishmael's review against another edition

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Some good, some meh, maybe one I'd call bad. Some of the short ones I want to reread to see how they do so much in so little time. As I was extremely annoyed by 2 of the readers (why were women chosen to read both stories about trans men?), that overshadowed a lot. May try reading instead of listening and see how that goes.

ellanarose's review against another edition

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Simply perfect to listen to, and proof that representation does not have to be a challenge