
Awaken Me Darkly by Gena Showalter

fyrekatz's review

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Wow, Idk why I didn't read this sooner. I enjoyed every moment of this sassy hunter's story. And read this mostly in one night. This was a Buddy Read, plus a BoTm from a group. I plan to read more of this series. Also this book will be part of my 12X12 challenge.

holl3640's review

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dark emotional medium-paced


ameretet's review

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The story itself was good but just didn't really have any momentum.

mxsallybend's review

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The Alien Huntress series came recommended to me a while back, and while I was curious, I didn’t really pay it much attention until I found a copy in a used bookstore over the summer. The cover had a dangerously sexy vibe to it, with some very stark red lettering, and I liked the contrast of the knife against the dress – the way it looked almost dull against the shiny black material. What ultimately won me over, however, was the blurb about “Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Alien Nation.”

Even if it just ended up being a hate-read to destroy that cover blurb, there was no way I could pass up such an intriguing homage to my youthful television addictions. Buffy, really, was the first strong female character to really imprint herself on me.

Anway, let me just come right out and say it – Awaken Me Darkly was a damned good read. Gena Showalter more than delivered on my expectations, with a story that hooked me from the opening scene. It was exciting, it was mysterious, it was action-packed, it was sexy, and (yes) it was even dangerously romantic.

Mia is definitely one kick-ass heroine, and I liked the fact that she fully embraces her role (the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comparison, I am ecstatic to say, is completely valid). There are no whiny moments of guilt, no lovelorn angst, and no bitching about past regrets. She knows what she has sacrificed for her career as an alien huntress, and she’s okay with it. Even when Kyrin begins to draw out the woman inside the huntress, she fights it all the way, and not because she’s afraid of her emotions (it never feels like Showalter is just playing to the will they/won’t they trope) but because she knows emotion will interfere with her judgment.

For a book that’s promoted as a paranormal romance, this struck the perfect balance. The romantic elements weren’t just tacked on to broaden the appeal beyond a genre audience, but they also didn’t overwhelm the telling of a good story. I thought the pacing was very good, providing the reader with a few chances to breathe, but otherwise keeping the story racing towards a conclusion. Sure, the mystery surrounding Mia’s origins was tad thin, but I don’t think a big reveal was ever the point.

For the first book in a series, Showalter deftly introduces the concept of aliens among us (the Alien Nation comparison is also completely valid), and easily passes off sci-fi elements like pyre guns, self-driving cars, and water-less showers as common-place, with no need for her characters to comment on how cool and advanced their technology is. I hope that, at some point, she explores the back story of our first alien contact, but I’m equally glad she didn’t bog down this first volume with such necessary details.

The next book in the series (Enslave Me Sweetly) has an even kinkier bondage-themed cover, which makes me wonder about that balance I mentioned, but I did glance at the opening chapter, and it’s pretty solid sci-fi action. Plus, I’m curious about the fact that cyborgs (Savor Me Slowly) and vampires (Seduce the Darkness) enter the series later, so all-in-all I’d say I’m definitely up for giving Showalter another read.

lacatelegge's review against another edition

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«Mezzanotte. L'ora delle streghe, secondo qualcuno. Visto che erano le 00:07 e io stavo in piedi sopra un cadavere, ero d'accordo.»

"Un oscuro risveglio", di Gena Showalter, è il primo romanzo appartenente alla serie Alien Huntress. La storia è incentrata su Mia Snow, una cacciatrice di alieni del dipartimento di polizia di New Chicago, conosciuta da tutti per il suo sangue freddo e per la sua innata capacità di trovare - ed uccidere - ogni serial killer in cui si imbatte.
La vita della ragazza di complica quando il suo collega, nonchè caro amico, Dallas viene ferito gravemente e rischia di non svegliarsi più. Mia scopre che solo una cosa può salvare Dallas: il sangue dell'alieno arcadiano Kyrin en Arr.
Affascinante, misterioso e potentissimo, Kyrin è uno dei principali sospettati del caso di omicidio su cui Mia e i suoi compagni stanno indagando. La ragazza, pur sapendo di stare commettendo un grosso errore, non può fare a meno di cercare un contatto con lui, cosa che si rivelerà piuttosto semplice dato che Kyrin sembra essere particolarmente attratto da lei. Inizia così l'avventura di Mia, determinata a far luce sul caso di omicidio e sulla sua vera natura... perchè riesce a percepire la presenza degli arcadiani? Chi sta proteggendo Kyrin? Chi è lo spietato serial killer che sta terrorizzando New Chicago? Riuscirà a salvare Dallas?

«La sua energia mi avvolgeva, forte e pura. Letale. Un brivido mi percorse. Aveva capelli folti e bianchi che gli ricadevano sulle spalle. Immaginai i suoi occhi, sapendo che dovevano essere viola pallido, quasi cristallini, con una sottile patina di calma, come la nitroglicerina un attimo prima della detonazione. Sapevo che aveva labbra piene e seducenti che contrastavano perfettamente con il suo aspetto virile.»

Gena Showalter da vita ad un mondo del tutto nuovo, popolato da umani e da alieni, la cui coesistenza non è facile.
Il personaggio di Mia Snow è ben caratterizzato psicologicamente, grazie ai suoi sogni e ai suoi ricordi, conosciamo anche il suo tormentato vissuto personale. Ho apprezzato molto questa eroina femminile: forte, indipendente, ironica e coraggiosa, mi ha ricordato la sterminatrice Anita Blake (creata da Laurell K. Hamilton), specialmente nelle prime pagine del romanzo.
Anche Kyrin en Arr l'ho trovato un bel personaggio, diverso dai soliti "belli e dannati" possessivi e gelosi oltre ogni limite che ormai popolano la maggiorparte dei romanzi adult.

Avrei voluto avere più notizie riguardo le altre specie di alieni e soprattutto mi sarebbe piaciuto sapere come, quando e perchè sono arrivati sulla terra. Come sono stati scoperti, come ha reagito inizialmente la popolazione umana... l'autrice avrebbe potuto approfondire questi argomenti e tralasciare alcune cose più frivole e meno interessanti.
Comunque, "un oscuro risveglio" è un buon romanzo, una storia originale che promette sviluppi interessanti ed emozionanti. La Showalter è riuscita ad incuriosirmi e ad intrigarmi, voglio assolutamente leggere il secondo volume!

colorfulleo92's review

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Ugh no. The premise sounded entertaining enough but there so many faults in this book that makes it impossible to enjoy. The characters a terrible, the plot unnecessary and not in any shape and form sexy. Won't continue with the series which is a shame because I really wanted an alien series to read and binge

carobcbg's review against another edition

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I liked it. although there's nothing new to this plot line, i enjoyed a kick-ass heroine to much to want to put it down

bibliocat08's review

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This one was okay. The Lords of the Underworld series is way better. I didn't like Mia very much and that kind of put a damper on this book for me.

melreads1126's review

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Mia Snow for the WIN!!!

Can this woman write or what?! Gena Showalter is most definitely, and without a doubt, THE ISH!!

This book was AMAZING!! I absolutely did not want it to end. Mia Snow has had a rough childhood, but turned out to be such a kick-ass heroine! She's smart, pretty, strong willed and doesn't take crap from anyone. Then there's Kyrin... the tall, handsome, also smart alien. These two are like oil and vinegar: fine on their own, but sooo much better together.

This book had so many twists I didn't know what to do with myself. It's nuts (in the most awesome way possible) when you think something is going to go one way, then all of a sudden BAM! You're hit with some other thing... smh... I had to reread a few parts just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. (Love it when that happens...)

Anywho, I'm eager to see what else is in store in the rest of the series. Hopefully there's more of Mia and the halflings.

hlizmarie's review

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I'm a huge Gena Showalter fan so I'm pretty shocked that I didn't enjoy this at all. I love a well done kickass heroine but Mia is very unlikeable. All tough talk, violent lashing out and troubled upbringing made her a charicature and not a character. The aliens are pretty badly drawn and I wasn't convinced by the world building. Surprised to say I won't be moving on to the next book in the series.