
Mountain Madness by Daniel Pyle

emitchellwrites's review

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This man better never stop writing. I feel like I could stop my review there and that should be enough to make you buy the book. Since I doubt it is, let me tell you why you not only should read the book but tell everyone you know to read it too.

I actually read "Dismember" first and WOW! Especially the ending, which couldn't have been any better.

"Dismember" was more solid than a lot of horror books I've read, where along the way you find plot holes or want things to move along. In this books case, you can't put it down because there are no breaks for the reader. Within about 5 words he has you hooked. Then as the story goes on and gets darker he punches you in the stomach, like all the bests do: King, Little, etc., and never lets up, you can't breathe it gets so intense. It is hands down one of the best books I've ever read. I've made quite a few people read it, all agreeing with me, and all begging for more. It has also started some very interesting conversations on nuclear families and the roles we take on and what the mean. How many horror books do that, really?

So when I got "Freeze" I thought, "Could he keep it up? Can he possibly make another book that even comes close to the 8 star book that "Dismember" is?" Well folks, apparently, he can.

I read absolutely nothing about the story on "Freeze" so I had no idea what to expect. I figured if he wrote it I'd give it a chance. Well it packed a whole lot of scare in for a 37,000 word book. The creep started at the get-go. "Freeze" just showed his skills in the other arenas of horror and (in the words of Tosh.0) "For that, we thank you." The things that stalk and prey on the characters could easily have be funny, silly, or boring if written wrong. Mr. Pyle knows how to make them move and what they should sound like, so that doesn't happen, so it translates to an upsetting situation and not cheesy. I cannot wait to read what he has in store for us next.

He can do a murderous "family man" and frozen creatures and somehow never fall flat.

Daniel Pyle is in my top 5 favorite authors. Trust me, if you like horror, check this out. If you don't have a Kindle, there are other places to get the ebooks or physical copies out there. Just.Read.His.Stuff.

*And on a side note, his short "Down the Drain" is a uber creepy, funny story that does what reviewers say... really makes you want to avoid a shower for a day or two. However, it is SO worth it because I have never read anything like it in my life.

Now, to collect all the shorts he's ever written...

mackenzieroy93's review

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Don't waste your time. This book was all around bad. It included a novel and a novella. The novel had a ides behind it but it was executed poorly. It almost seemed like he was trying to be a Stephen King or Dean Koontz and that took away from the actual writing. It was very underdeveloped. And the novella followed in the novel's footsteps. They both felt rushed, maybe if he had written more they would have turned out better.