
The Secrets We Keep by Trisha Leaver

lexslittlecorner's review against another edition

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Maddie and Ella are identical twins who aren't exactly close. Both girls are in a car accident that kills Maddie, when Ella gains consciousness and finds that everyone believes that she's Maddy she rolls with it.
As much as the flaws are so obvious even on reading just a synopsis, I'm a sucker for twin swap stories and you can blame The Parent Trap for that.
As a casual read, yeah it kept me entertained but as an actual reality, really? you can't tell which daughter that is?
I have identical twin cousins just a year younger than I am and my parents and brother and grandparents still can never tell which is which and have to ask me subtly to identify them. I've never understood it, yeah they're "identical" but they definitely aren't, and it's so obvious to me just by looking at them to know who is who. So for me, to have an entire book plot based on it seems absurd. Yet I still liked the book and still enjoy movies based on exactly the same thing.

fishgirl182's review against another edition

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Maddy and Ella are identical twins but they could not be more different. Maddy is popular and vivacious. People seem to gravitate towards her. Ella on the other hand, is quiet and is more interested in getting into art school than who’s going with whom to the Snow Ball. Maddy and Ella used to be best friends until high school, when Maddy got a whole new group of friends and there seemed to be no place for Ella in Maddy’s new life. One night, as Ella comes to her sister’s rescue yet again, the two have a huge argument that ends in a tragic accident, leaving only Ella alive. She wakes up confused and disoriented in the hospital. Everyone thinks she is Maddy and, driven by guilt and grief, Ella makes the decision to assume Maddy’s identity in order to give her sister the life she thinks she took away. But even though they look the same, she and Ella are very different and Ella is having a hard time stifling her own personality for Ella’s. Ella’s seemingly charmed life is harder to maintain than Ella thought.

The Secrets We Keep has an interesting premise though it was not quite what I expected. I picked it up mainly because I have a fascination with twins. Twins by especially identical twins are interesting to me and I can never resist a book about them. However, I thought this was going to be more of a thriller. That may have been my mistake as I do not think that anything in the blurb makes it seem that way. The book would have made a little more sense to me though if Ella had a stronger reason for taking her sister’s identity (such as needing to in order to find out something about her life/death). I had a hard time understanding Ella’s motivation in pretending to be her sister (presumably for life). I understood her guilt, but assuming her sister’s identity was not the best way to deal with it.

I did think that this was an interesting character study on identity and how we perceive ourselves. Ella definitely saw herself a certain way and felt like her family and friends saw her a certain way, too. So much so that she convinced herself that her family would be happier had Maddy lived instead of her.

I liked Ella a lot (when she was being herself). And, having a sibling close to my own age, I understand all too well the drama that can result in having a tumultuous relationship with a sibling. I wish we could have explored that aspect of Ella and Maddy’s relationship a little more.

This book did a good job of creating a believable high school setting. I wasn’t super popular or cool in high school but I do remember how mean kids can be to one another when they want to be. This brought all of that high school angst back and I felt bad for Ella as she tried to navigate the unforgiving politics of high school. Jenna is the quintessential mean girl and we only learn enough about her to dislike her. Alex wasn’t your typical jock boyfriend but he also felt a little flat as a character. I wish we could have learned more about Alex’s relationship with the real Maddy. Josh was my favorite and is one of those sweet, funny boys that I’m always drawn to. He and Ella’s relationship seemed the most genuine and their scenes together were my favorite.

Overall I was glad I read this book, but it didn’t blow me away. As I said, I didn’t really understand Ella’s choice in pretending to be Maddy so it was hard for me to justify her actions. However, Leaver does a good job of capturing the competitiveness and meanness that often occurs in high school. Ella’s deception, while unnecessary in my opinion, was handled well and I could really feel her emotions and how her decision was really tearing her apart. I do wish we could have seen more of what Maddy and Ella were like before the accident though, as their relationship had more nuance to it than I think we were able to see in this storyline.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affected my review or opinion of the book.

lindsey_kerrigan's review against another edition

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I REALLY liked this book. I thought the plot was very creative and the story did not disappoint. I would not call it perfection but I have to say it was very close to it. I feel like Alex wasn't really a bad person he was really just there to help. I hope that we somehow get to see these characters again in a novella or a Easter egg or something. I want to know what happens in college and how their room mates are.

rebeshelton's review against another edition

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Yeah...I don't even know what to think about this book. There were so many things that I feel like just wouldn't happen, ever, in any way shape or form.

afretts's review

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For such a short book, this took me forever to read. Partly because it was just so two dimensional in every single way. Great idea for a novel, but very poor execution.

I didn't connect with any of it. I didn't feel sad when Maddy and Ella get into the accident. I didn't feel sad when Maddy dies and Ella decides to take over her identity. I didn't feel anything at all when Ella struggles with her decision. I didn't hate any of the bad guys. I wasn't overly absorbed in the story. Nothin'. The author failed to draw me in and make me care.

The novel basically has no plot. The plot is: Ella and Maddy get into accident. Ella takes over Maddy's identity. Maddy did something bad. Ella doesn't want to be Maddy anymore. Even the mystery surrounding the bad thing Maddy did before she died is painfully boring. There's no giant conspiracy. Ella basically just asks someone what happened and is told. I was expecting this book to at some point have some interesting sub plots- Ella starts dating her old best friend as Maddy and has to come clean OR the bad thing Maddy did before dying has major consequences for Ella OR Maddy's relationship with her boyfriend was actually abusive or SOMETHING. But it was just Ella grieving in self-destructive ways and nothing exciting ever coming from it.

I was bored the entire novel. So incredibly bored.

carolinevaught's review against another edition

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When I first picked up this book, I thought the premise of it was very unique and something I'd never really heard about before, but since it wasn't in my normal reading genres, I was a little skeptical that I would get bored with it. Gosh was I wrong. This book wasn't even all that fast paced, but it was just so...intense and it kept me guessing. I mean, clearly she was going to come clean sooner or later about who she really was, but the reactions of the people around her are what kept me so interested.

milesofbooks_al's review against another edition

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An easy read, but it left me with questions and a few "huh?!"s...

inabookishworld29's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 3.5/5 stars.

Although I can't explain why, but anything with twin sisters/brothers fascinate me. And of course I was super intrigued by this book. In the end, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't what I expected.

"Maddy was my sister, my twin sister, and I'll do anything for her. Including losing myself."

Ella sees herself as a weak person, consumed by insecurity towards other people. And yet, after the accident her actions and decisions shows she's so brave. At first, I couldn't understand why she would keep pretending to be her sister. But I understood. She lost a part of her and she feels guilty towards her sister. I could relate to Ella a lot! Oh and Josh... don't even let me start with him. I just loved him so much!!

“I’m sorry,” I whispered before I laid the phone on the floor beside her and left the room. Waking her now was pointless. I wasn’t ready to deal with her tears.

But the whole 'secret thing' with Maddy was... boring. I expected something scandalous/shocking or at least something a bit more bigger than what it turned out to be. But that's the only thing that disappointed me, because overall this book is beautifully written. It's full of honest thoughts and it definitely felt real. The ending was predictable, yet so heartwarming/heartbreaking. The way she tried to wrap herself around her new "lifestyle" was ... well, I don't even have a word for it. I just loved how it turned out.

“…this was our secret… a secrets sister would keep.”

I definitely recommend this to people who like to read honest and "raw" stories with a strong main character and a romance.

By the way, the cover is just gorgeous!

emilygrafton8's review against another edition

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this book was really good! I've be looking forward to reading since early this year because the whole premise really pulled me in. it definitely gave me that, but I don't know if I was expecting more. like it was everything I thought it was going to be and more, but it was missing something. I did love the writing and most of the characters. Ella was a great character, and even though I didn't quite agree with her reasoning on why she had to be maddy. but I still liked her. we didn't see that much of maddy, but she wasn't my favorite. josh was my fav!! I loved him and eventually him and Ella's relationship. overall a really good book!