
Baby Squeaks by Anne Hunter

cmby's review

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Thank you #Netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the Arc of 'Baby Squeaks'.

First, I'm biased. I am obsessed with illustrated mice, mouse stories, anything with a cute depiction of a mouse anywhere on a book cover. I was sold before I even got to the story!

The illustrations are lovely, utilizing a minimalistic color palette in a modern, pastoral way. The humor is well depicted in the use of speech bubbles which grow in size and cannot contain the constant squeaking of baby mouse. The interactions depicted between the baby mouse and baby animals are humorous. Where the story fell short was in a lack of plot, or at least the lack of a plot that might be interesting to children. Parents and adults would surely understand the mother mouse's perspective--tired of the constant squeaking and needing a break!--but I'm not sure it would resonate with young readers. Sometimes this works if there are multiple layers of interpretation at play, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Ultimately, the illustrations are charming, and there are funny and heartwarming moments for readers.

misspippireads's review

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A short and humorous picture book about a very, very talkative baby mouse. He wanders from home and mom finds him by hearing is voice.

Reviewed from a library copy.

carolineinthelibrary's review

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While the book is a little repetitive, I think parents of toddlers would really appreciate this. Plus, Baby Mouse is super cute.

marieleigh73's review

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I think this will be a really good read-a-loud. There are simple sentences and very engaging illustrations.

jennywithaz's review

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And this one was pretty hilarious. What a great art style!

msgabbythelibrarian's review

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While I get the purpose of the book (Babies learning words and then not shutting up......) I struggle with that. Especially when we should be embracing their newfound development.

fell4's review

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This book seems so fun to kids, a nightmare to adults - like giving them drums

bbckprpl's review

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Another book that was also as true as it could be, Baby Squeaks by Anne Hunter seems to have hit the target head-on, however. There's very little reading taking place in this book, but wow do the illustrations do a lot of the talking/explaining. Baby Mouse used to not know any words, but once they learned some words? They never stopped squeaking. Ever. So, one day when Mama Mouse just needs a tiny bit of quiet, she puts Baby Mouse outside the doorstop, still talking. And Baby Mouse finds some new friends to regale with their oratory.

It's a simple, humorous book - particularly for anybody who has got their own chatterbox at home. It can also give a little nudge to the "and sometimes Mama needs a tiny bit of peace and quiet or else she feels like she's gonna lose it" explanations. The words sure do crowd things in their tiny home, and that's a good visual for something small kids might have a harder time understanding. 5 stars for this one.

pib003's review

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I feel like my parents could relate to this

twiinklex's review

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As someone who loves all rodents, I just had to read this. The story is simple but cute, though I would have preferred a deeper narrative. The illustrations are lovely and brought out this adorable tale.

I received an e-ARC of this book via Netgalley.