
A Buckhorn Baby by Lori Foster

curls's review

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I'm not sure how to rate this book. I didn't realize it was a novella. So after I figured out I wasn't a super speed reader (it was on my kindle, no page numbers), I was a little disappointed. I haven't read any of the other books in the series, so the other characters who have clearly had a full length novel were not that important to me.

The writing wasn't bad, and there was a very funny momentat the start that had me laughing.

I'll probably read another book by the author, maybe the start of a series, not a novella at the end.

wchappus's review

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4.5 stars

kodom251999's review

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Oh so sweet! I loved it. These Buckhorn men are all alpha but gooey over babies! ❤

auntiel's review

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kindlelovingmom's review

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I swear Lori Foster never disappoints me! These "benefit books" she has been doing each summer are always fun, and the profits go to such a great cause! Plus, who doesn't want more of those Buckhorn boys (and girls!)?

Amber Hudson is the daughter of Morgan and Misty from the original Buckhorn series. She is vivacious, outgoing, and constantly meddling in her family's business. As they all do to her. She owns a bookstore, and she's become quite the successful matchmaker for her brother and cousins. She's always the one in charge, in life, and in her relationships in the past, but all bets were off when she met Noel Poet a couple books ago. He's gotten under her skin in a major way, and she likes him there just fine. But, something huge changes in her life quickly, and she doesn't know if he wants to be there for her.

Noel is a fireman, and he works with Amber's younger brother, Garrett. Noel's quiet, and intense, and he's made Amber chase him a bit, which she's never really had to do before. He knows just how to take charge with her, though he loves her strong personality. He is fairly new to the small town life, and he's a bit intimidated by her very large family, and how involved they are in each other's lives. He likes them all, and they seem to like him, but he's not sure how to really fit in with them. He and Amber have been keeping it pretty casual, and neither of them have discussed their feelings much yet, though they both have strong ones. But, something happens to put their relationship in high gear, and it is not really what I expected.

I really loved this story. I've loved Amber's sassy self since she was a kid in the original series, and even more so since these 2nd generation stories have been coming out. She needs somebody she can just be calm with, and Noel gives that to her. She also keeps him on his toes, and he seems to enjoy that too. They have a bit of a hard time seeing eye to eye on a few things, and it was so nice watching them work it out like adults instead of totally jumping to conclusions, and not communicating with each other. Even though this was a pretty big conflict of opinions, they worked to try to figure it out. Lori always does a great job with this type of conflict, and I love that.

Seeing all of the family as side characters again is also great fun, and I love revisiting the small town of Buckhorn, Kentucky. I look forward to each of these short and sweet benefit books, and I hope she continues on with them!

ofbooksncupcakes's review

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I cannot begin to express how much I love the Buckhorn series. It is always a pleasure to revisit this town and the people there. The story is heartfelt and I'm so happy to see Amber and Noel's getting their HEA. A must buy for Buckhorn and Lori Foster's fans. Also, proceeds from the sale go to a very good cause.