
The End in All Beginnings by John F.D. Taff

billymac1962's review

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It was [a:Josh Malerman|7271073|Josh Malerman|] who recommended this book on the Booked. Podcast.

This collection of five novellas was, well, just terrific. I went into them knowing absolutely nothing about them other than Malerman highly recommending it. This is the way I go into most novels and stories. The surprising thing about this collection is that they weren't as horrific as I thought they'd be. Certainly the cover implies this. Sure, they're dark, but really the overlying theme will all of these stories is love and loss. Did I mention they're terrific stories?

A couple of them turned in such a way that reminded me of the old Gold Key horror comics I had as a kid, and that was a hoot. Most of these, though, is an author showcasing his skill through different genres and plotlines. Some themes were tried and true, and when I started one I thought, "Oh, another ______ story. I'm really not in the mood..." but he really makes it his own and draws out a very engaging and readable story. Every time.

This is similar in quality to that other giant of novella collection, one we all know and love as Uncle Steve, and like the master, Taff ends this with an afterword to explain his mind space while writing these. Great stuff.
Five stars. Great writer here!

roshisshell's review

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Wish I could give half stars; this is almost 5-star worthy. Each story was emotionally gripping and tender. My only complaint comes from the fact that it did not feel like I was reading horror, it felt more akin to sci-fi, dramas.

thomaswjoyce's review

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Having heard great things about this collection from the This Is Horror podcast and Booked. podcast, I took the leap and bought it. And am I glad I did! These are 5 thoughtful, well-written, deep stories about love and loss and death. The way John Taff writes each story just pulled me in, made me feel like I was immersed in the setting of each excellent story. This is a sign that he took his own life experiences and feelings and blended them with such entertaining ideas to really create some touching stories. Do yourself a favour and buy this book!

thaatswhatsheread's review

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This was the first book I read by John F.D. Taff, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. The End in All Beginnings is a collection of five novellas, each of them, playing with a different genre. I personally loved What Becomes God and Love in the Time of Zombies. What Becomes God starts out as a poignant story about a boy with a rough home life dealing with the imminent death of his best friend and becomes a horror story. Love in the Time of Zombies is a bit more comedic, dealing with falling in love during a zombie outbreak. Object Permanence was another story that seemed like it could've been a Twilight Zone episode. It's about a town that's being held ransom by a woman with the power to keep everyone stuck the way she wants to remember them. Taff was able to craft stories that not only had layers and depth, but were also readable.