
The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance by Delilah S. Dawson

brokenchell's review

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A cute lil enjoyable story. I didn't realize it was a short story from the Blud series until I got part way thru it , however it didn't matter I was able to catch everything just fine. And makes me want to learn more about Casper. Which just so happens I have Caspers book on my shelf

melindavan's review

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What a fascinating blend of Steampunk and Fantasy! I loved this...the prim and proper London with Steampunk elements, and daimons. A world where kittens and puppies are worth tons of money and adopted by the rich because everybody else gets mechanical pets. I only had one complaint...the story ended way too fast. It's a novella, not a full novel, and I wasn't ready to leave the world! But lucky for me there are more books by this author to read.

My only other thought was sometimes the characters use language that doesn't fit the era. I didn't like that, because every time it threw me out of the story world for a minute. It was sort of like watching A Knights Tale....the dance scene where they are dancing the old style but with modern music. Odd...but not enough to make me put it down, that's for sure. Oh, and if you're looking for a wonderfully seductive love scene, look no further.

witandsin's review

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4.5 stars - My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin:

In the grim and often bloody world of Sang, real pets are a rarity. Pet shop owner Frannie Pleasance is used to taking in strays, but famed musician Casper Sterling is a far different breed from her usual kittens and puppies. But taking Casper on as a lodger might be more trouble than Frannie anticipated. Upon his arrival strange and dangerous things start happening. When someone sets Frannie’s room on fire, she’s rescued by Scottish firefighter Thom Maccallan, a man whose kind heart and quiet strength draw Frannie out of her shell. Yet if Frannie hopes to have a future with Thom, the two of them must first discover who is trying to kill her and why. The answer may lie with Frannie’s inconvenient houseguest…

Despite danger lurking in the shadows, The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance is as warm and inviting as Frannie’s shop. In Frannie and Thom, Delilah S. Dawson has created two loveable, hardworking protagonists who are impossible to resist. Frannie’s been badly hurt in the past, but in The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance she begins to start truly living again, and she does so without losing her innate kindness. Thom too has suffered loss and it’s the scars of his past which drive him to be protective of others. I love how patient and giving Thom is. He and Frannie are a truly wonderful pair and thus it’s easy to be swept away by their romance.

Casper Sterling — everyone’s favorite sexy musician from the first Blud book, Wicked as They Come — is an important secondary character in The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance. Once again Casper is looking for love in the wrong place, and as much as I like him, I’m glad Ms. Dawson didn’t add a love triangle to this story. The fact that the rather colorful Casper doesn’t manage to upstage the quieter Frannie and Thom is a testament to Ms. Dawson’s writing. That being said, I did finish The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance wanting to dive right into Casper’s book, Wicked as She Wants, for reasons I won’t spoil.

The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance is a charming story I simply adored. If you haven’t read Ms. Dawson’s first Blud novel, Wicked as They Come, The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance provides a taste of the world that is satisfying as a standalone but will have you craving more of the fantastic world that is Sang.

melodicfate's review

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I still miss Tish and Criminy, but this was a quick and fun read. I love the world this series is set in, and it gets even better with each book. The story was a mix of romance and mystery, as Frannie, the main character, kept being attacked by outside sources, after taking Casper in as a boarder. It all started with a fire. This was where the story took off, because she met Thom, and the pace picked up.

I loved Frannie's love for animals. It made her stand out from a lot of female leads, since she had a really good heart. She never wanted to hurt defenseless animals, and it made me really like her. I also thought her stubbornness was a great characteristic, because it made her more than just an animal lover. She was a strong female character, and if you've read any of my other reviews, you know how much I love those. Delilah Dawson seems to have a knack for making great female lead characters, and Frannie just solidified this for me.

I loved Thom, and thought he was wonderful for Frannie. He had a similarly soft heart, and wouldn't ever hurt any of the animals, and I knew they would be a perfect match when I saw how he acted in the pet shop. He was also a great hero, since he was a firefighter. I think I liked him right away, when we first met him. He helped Frannie as much as he could, and went above and beyond the call of duty. After learning his backstory, I loved him even more for Frannie. They make a perfect couple.

Casper was featured in this novella, and I'm pretty excited to read the next book in the series, since it's his story. He was boarding with Frannie, and we saw quite a few sides to him. I never was a fan of him, but I have a feeling that that could change. Some of the things he did for Frannie were really great, and I was sad to see all his self-destructive behavior. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens with him.

The plot of the novel was fast-paced. Frannie had to run her pet shop, while trying to stay alive. I never got bored with it, and I had to see how the story ended, which made me read this novella pretty quickly.

With a great mix of action and romance, the Blud series was just expanded more. Even though this was only a novella, I felt like I really got to know Frannie and Thom. I love how Delilah Dawson just keeps building her world, and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next. Since I'm more of an urban fantasy girl, the fact that I'm reading the novellas in a paranormal romance series, as well as the books, should definitely tell you something.

lilyelement's review

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Frannie Pleasance, is a pet shop owner that sells rare pets from her home in London. The book is set in Sang, which is a world full of blood seeking creatures. When she meets an unconscious drunkard in an alleyway she comes to his rescue before the bludrats can get him. This is where Casper Sterling enters the picture. Things quickly begin to happen in Frannie's life; like a not so accidental fire in her bedroom and several other dangerous events. A firefighter named Thom Maccallan comes to Frannie's rescue and seems to stick around to be her protector. With all the dangerous occurrences happening in the book the only changes in Frannie's life are Thom Maccallan and Casper Sterling (her new lodger).

The main focus of The Peculiar Pets of Miss Pleasance is finding out who is attempting to hurt Frannie. With a drunk musician and a hottie fireman attempting to woo her, the story kept my interest and made me love Sang even more than I thought possible. Delilah Dawson manages to mix whodunit, romance, paranormal and steampunk all in one. This concoction equals a fabulous series that is a must read. I highly recommend this series, if you haven't read book 1 (Wicked As They Come) definitely read that first so you get more details of Sang and the creatures.

nyxshadow's review

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pixieauthoress's review

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This is definitely the best of the novellas in the Blud series. I loved how respectful and thoughtful Thom was, recognising that Frannie had experienced some sort of trauma and just backing off rather than forcing her to talk about it or overcome it. More heroes like Thom, please!

littleread1's review

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I've said it before and I will say it again: I love Sang. The world Dawson has created is so complex, with many many layers, and each time I go there, it's like visiting a favorite vacation spot.

A vacation spot where even the rats can kill you, because they are bludrats. There are also bludmen, bludbunnies (which were certainly missed in this novella, but as it takes place in Sang's London it makes sense), blud ... well, pretty much any mammal has a blud equivalent. And what makes this short story especially challenging, is the main character runs a pet store. I don't know HOW she gets non-bludded animals, but that must be an accomplishment!

I love that Casper plays an important role in this story, it is a great lead in to Wicked as She Wants, which is Casper's story. I must admit, I love the cocky bastard. I also loved Criminy in Wicked as They Come, and Thom ... I love all the men Dawson creates. I am very excited to learn more about what is going on with him. I have theories, but is history holds true, I will be incredibly surprised, even if I am partially correct.

I am rambling ... Frannie is a great character. Strong and independent, yet hurt and scared. She is very believable and real. Her reasons for being shy yet cold and nervous are revealed as you go. By the end you get what is going on, look forward to finding out what comes next, but still have a sense of closure that leaves you satisfied.

And it has to be mentioned ... as creepy as this may sound, I love the way the love scenes are written throughout this whole series. They truly are "love" scenes and not just "sex " scenes. The fact that there is a noticeable difference makes them more meaningful.

If you like steampunk, vampires with a twist, alternate realities, or even just a sweet love story, this series is for you.

A solid 4.5 stars

caitlinsn's review

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Seriously, Dawson's men are absolutely divine. They are so sweet and pretty much written from my dream list, I swear (though I admit, there's plenty on my list to choose from lol). I love these novellas. They are so fun and entertaining. I love the world of Sang.

krisrid's review

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I loved this novella! Great characters, great world-building and a dramatic, entertaining plot - there was nothing I didn't enjoy about this story!

Frannie is a strong, resourceful independent woman looking after herself and her business in a very difficult and dangerous world. But despite all the challenges she faces, she hasn't lost the ability to be kind, or to pick up and help strays - not just animal strays either!

I have read other books in this series, and I really like the world-building the author has done with it. It's a unique and clever take on paranormal fiction, and it is peopled with interesting, flawed but still likable characters.

Even though this was a novella, it felt like a fully realized story, and I very much enjoyed reading it. I'm already looking forward to reading the next full-length book in the series!