
All the King's-Men by Adam Dreece

ngreads's review

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... ... ... ...This was really good...
One of the things I can really appreciate about Adam Dreece's writing is that he actually knows how to write a story from a kid's point of view. Most authors say that their protagonist is twelve and make them sound like a twenty year old. Adam says his protagonist is twelve, and they sound like they're twelve. He has a fifteen or so year old boy in there, he acts like a fifteen year old boy. It's SO refreshing. They have their mature moments, certainly. But they actually react to things the way a twelve year old would react. They act like children.

And now to find the next one...

rachels_books's review

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I recommend this book for ages 12 plus.

The third book in Adam Dreece’s Yellow Hoods series follows all of the plot points that were opened up in the first two books. Although the overall main character is still Tee, there are many different story lines that are taking place both in the past and the present.

While I have enjoyed the rapid pacing of the developing plots in the first two books of the series, the third book took a bit of a breather, but still impressed me with how the story boldly moved forward. Since this is the middle book in the series I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. There was more “traveling” and getting from point A to point B in this book, as the characters adventure moved them into strange and fantastic new places.The slightly slower pace of the book allowed the author to build fresh and deeper perspectives that brought the characters new life as the story unfolded through their eyes. Every single one of the characters have come extremely far from the first book, and it is incredible to see. One of the most fun things when reading one of Adam Dreece’s books is seeing how he intertwines fairytale characters into his books. I have read many “fairytale retellings,” but this series is probably the best I’ve read when it comes to how fairytales are used. Sometimes the character will blatantly be a representation of a fairytale, and some can only be figured out by a certain sentence or quote. Another amazing yet frustrating thing about this books is how they all seem to have the most amazing cliffhangers, making you impatiently excited for the following book.

My favorite character(s) are Gretel, Hans, and Saul. I think they are my favorites because there is so much that could be done with their characters. I’m very excited to see where Adam ends up going with them.

This book had no swearing, extremely mild romance, and minor violence.