
United by Melissa Landers

elizpeace's review

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Eh. I wanted to like it but I was really bored throughout.

mansiv27's review

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I read Alienated and Invaded ages ago. This isn't one of the best trilogies of all time, but I am glad I read this. I Cara is one kick ass female protagonist and her chemistry with Aelyx is just so great to read after after being apart for so long in Invaded.
It was as enjoyable read but not the best like its predecessors. Talking about the story it was little bit immature for my taste. I mean how convenient things were for Cara and Alelyx. How could they have soo much power that even the govt authorities couldn't do anything. (*Seriously*)
This all seemed fun in first two books but i guess I've grown up since it read invaded that it felt a little cheesy.

cheshirebelle's review

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Het laatste deel van een serie geeft mij altijd een beetje een sneu gevoel. Ik wil zo graag meer weten over de personen in de boeken, dat ik het zonde vind als het stopt. Maar, dat gezegd te hebben; dit deel was voor mij de beste van de 3. Het boek was nog steeds wat voorspelbaar, maar het heeft wel echt een einde. Het heeft actie, avontuur, spannende momenten en je krijgt zoveel meer te weten over het universum waar Cara en Aelyx samen willen zijn. De werelden krijg je te zien, en de colonie waar ze samen verder willen leven, wordt echt prachtig omschreven. Ik zou daar ook echt wel kunnen wonen. Ik zou het waarschijnlijk nog doen ook. De romantiek in het boek is een beetje over de top, maar dat geeft niet. Ik zou mezelf wel vergelijken met Cara, daarbij zie ik in Aelyx ook echt hoe Patrick kan zijn. Wij zouden samen vechten tot het einde en niks accepteren. Aan het einde van het boek pinkte ik een traantje weg want stiekem ben ik altijd aan het huilen bij boeken. Dat maakt wel dat ik het boek dus 5/5 geef ipv 4.5/5. Het is niet de beste trilogie ooit, alleen zeker wel heel goed geschreven!

littlefoot10's review

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Again this story had so many twists and turns. It's so bittersweet that this is the conclusion of this series. I really enjoyed taking this journey with Aelyx and Cara. Their love is something to strive for in life, this novel especially shows not to take your days and life for granted... and to enjoy it while you have it. I thought it was creepy/cool the twist with Jaxon and his role in everything. I love Cara's family and how united they are throughout the whole series. Melissa did a fantastic job of creating this series and making us want more, of the world, of the characters. Aelyx and Cara are perfect... they fight, they laugh...she writes a romance that is believable. I already can't wait to re-read this series <3 !!!

lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, I had a great time reading this book, I'm so glad that we got this book! 

alexperc_92's review

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The sweetest, best ending I could have for this series! :D

adventuresbetweenpages's review

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It's over

raven168's review

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Maybe it's just me, but I didn't really enjoy this one as much as the first two for some reason. The relationship between Cara and Aelyx was still great, and the other characters all played their parts well. I think my problem was with just how easily and neatly everything with the Aribol worked out. I mean, come on. A group of kids who are only around 18 or so manage to save two worlds and wrap everything up in a neat little bow in less than two days. I just wasn't buying it.

Aelyx and Cara sure act more mature than a lot of kids the same age these days. Especially Cara. With her position in The Way and as the leader of the colony, Cara has more pressure and expectations on her shoulders than one would normally place on one so young. And she makes mistakes with it to be sure because she doesn't always thinks things out to their possible repercussions. Aelyx is also a representative on the colony but we either don't see all that he does, or he doesn't do as much. They're a strong couple, but even they have fights and we see a pretty big one in this book. Which makes them seem more believable.

I love Jaxen and was glad to get some more of him here. Though just not enough. He's going around doing the Aribol's bidding along with Aisly, destroying different factories and mines. He's also managed to get his own copy of Cara from them that is always by his side. And even though he has her, it's clear he still wants Cara. He comes to her when she asks and more or less refuses to kill her. I did not like what happens to him at the end at all.

After three days alone on the colony, Aelyx and Cara now have to take up their roles as representatives and lead the ones who want to live there. It's rough going for a few months but they're doing the best they can. Everything falls apart when the Aribol make contact and demand the separation of the races within a certain amount of time or both planets will be destroyed. To prove their point, they blow up most of the Destroyer ships around L’eihr. Both worlds's leaders see no hope of surviving or winning a fight against them so they feel there's nothing to be done except to do what they're told. But Aelyx and Cara refuse to be separated and refuse to give up. So along with Aelyx's sister Elle, Syrine, Troy and Larish, the six of them spend the next couple days searching for Jaxen to try to find out what he knows. But Jaxen's hybrid DNA is changing something in him and affecting his personality. He's not always quite as stable as he used to be, plus he's got a fancy weapon from the Aribol that the group can't get past. But occasionally they manage to best him and eventually find one of the things they were looking for. Little good it does them really though. Eventually they figure out the Aribol's weakness and at the last minute managed to save the Earth. Their attack went off without hitch really, but the same cannot be said for when the L'eihr attempt the same thing. Though they succeed as well, there is more damage done and life lost. When it's all said and done, it's Cara that pushes both worlds's leaders for a truce rather than war with the Aribol. And finally, she can lead her life together with Aelyx on the colony peacefully.

Though I said I didn't enjoy this one as much as the others that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at all. I did. Some parts were better than others, of course, but over all I did really like it. Though it seemed too easy to me and I was not happy with what happened with certain people, it was a good end to the series.

allie_love's review

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YES! A third one!!! So excited!

blackcallalily's review

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What I excepted

I was really looking forward to the third one and it was awesome. Wasn't to slow a read and had all the bits I wanted in it!