
Hidden by Angilram, Kelley Armstrong

ciaralo's review

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I just love anything with Elena and Clay in it. A great little addition to the series.

book_hoarding_dragon's review

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Five stars for this awesome book since Goodreads won't let me give it something along the lines of... ten stars.

Elena, Clay and their children Katie and Logan attempt to go and have their own Christmas vacation, but Clay and Elena end up working a job.

This was a fun read because we got to see again past characters like Nick (one of my fav's), Reese, and Noah (the last two being newer characters that have been introduced). Of course Antonio and Jeremy are still mentioned in these books.

I think any long running fan of Elena and Clay would enjoy this book. It's been great to see their transition from a couple to parents over the years. One issue in the book that's brought is how to deal with the kids knowing about their parents and the possibility of themselves being werewolves. Of course it's just not as cut and dry as that.

It's a short (it's just shy of 200 pages), engaging read. I'm a huge Clay fan and I adore his Clayisms in the book especially his explanation that chair-throwing is a heated debate, but chair-breaking is a fight.

I hope that this isn't the last that we see of Clay and Elena or either their children.

audiobookmel's review

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I loved this long novella. I live Clay and Elena. This book is told in the first person from Elema's POV. You get a great look into the kids and Clay and Elena's parenting. I'm going to miss them both. I wish there would be more stories to see Kate and Logan grow up.

bookfessional's review

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At 193 pages (Kindle version), this novella is just short of being a full-blown novel. AND it's got pretty pictures.

It takes place the Christmas after Frostbitten, and Clay and Elena have taken the kids to a secluded chalet in Canada for a family holiday (before the rest of the pack shows up on Boxing Day). The four of them are planning on making Christmas cookies, drinking hot chocolate, playing in the snow, etc., but all of that gets interrupted when a mutt shows up their first night there. A mutt that is acting rather shifty<---see what I did there.

Pack members are enlisted to come up early, and detecting ensues. I liked it. That is all.

a_h_haga's review

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I read this way back when it was released, and haven't picked it up since. Not because it was bad, but because I was a little worried of ruining the book, and I wanted to do a full reread of the series before starting on these novellas.

Hidden was as good as I remembered it. I love the family dynamic, and Clay and Elena. The story is good, both for character growth and for general story. Writing is as good as ever.

Honestly, I don't have a reason to not give it 5/5 stars, other than my own rule of not giving a full rating unless a book emotionally moves me, but I am considering redoing that rule for this one.

New rating: 5/5 stars
Original rating: 4/5

cem_214's review

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I thought I loved Elena and Clay before this. I didn't think it was possible to love them more. Turns out I was wrong! Utterly in love with this book!

jeanz's review

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I downloaded the kindle version of this novella from, and at over £3 thought it quite expensive for a novella. I am not so keen on the "comic" style cover even though it depicts Elena in human form and Clay in wolf form, with his penetrating blue eyes.
As always with Kelley Armstrong, this novella is well written with a great balance of suspense, mystery and pack/family life. I really enjoyed the novella, we, the readers got to concentrate on Clay,Elena, Kate and Logan as prime characters. We learn more about the twins. We also learn that Clay and Elena have different views on when the twins should be told of their true heritage. Are the twins displaying secondary powers are they just bright kids?
As always Clay and Elena's quiet family time is interrupted by a rogue mutt. They have to investigate two brother's, but which if either of them is guilty and who can be trusted? They have to call in back up to help keep the twins entertained, but as the novella unfolds it seems keeping the twins entertained is the least of their problems.
A really good novella that I read in one go, only disappointment was that I thought the price was a little expensive for a novella! It made me want to read more of the Women Of The Otherworld series and want to know even more about Clay and Elena and their family and pack.
So did I enjoy this novella? Yes, would I read more novella's? Yes but truthfully only paid the almost £4 as it was a Clay and Elena novella! Wouldn't want to pay that price again really. Would I read more by Kelley Armstrong? Hope to! Would I recommend Kelley Armstrong books? Yes and I have recommended her lots of times.

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lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, such a great book, dealing with a difficult mutt, and telling the twins about the fact that their family are werewolves! So great!

laurla's review

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published in the anthology "otherworld nights"

jenniferbbookdragon's review

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Fun, short book in the Women of the OtherWorld series. A nice, quiet werewolf family Christmas was all they wanted....
There are illustrations (a few color drawings) but I think my imagination is better.