
Naturally, Charlie by S.L. Scott

bitchie's review against another edition

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This story was very sweet, cute, funny. Caution to my smutty friends- this doesn't qualify, no smut at all.

My only real problem with this story (other than the characters having the same name and the POV switches) was the heroine Charlie's denial of how she really felt about hero Charlie. One rich guy screwed her over, so now she's afraid of all men screwing her over, he was rich, so all rich guys must be the same?

I did like that she finally got counseling though. We don't see that nearly often enough with our screwed up characters in books, the mighty peen usually cures all, so this was quite refreshing.

mbfeeney's review against another edition

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Firstly, I would like to thank the author and the publishers for sending me the ARC of this book. I had a read a review on another site ( and was dying to read it. So, when the author asked on Twitter who was willing to read and review it, I jumped at the chance.

Usually, I'm not a fan of alternating points of views in a novel as it's easy to get confused, but as the two Charlie's each have their own distinctive voices it's easy to keep up with them in this book.

I have to admit that I often wanted to give the pair of them a clout on the back of the head, but as they are both so endearing I managed to keep going to see how it would work out for them.

My favourite aspect of this book has to be the easy banter between the main characters. Even when they are feeling at their worst, they still manage to make each other smile. This kind of wit isn't easy to write, for this I commend Scott. I highly recommend that you buy this book once it's available to buy.

For this, and more reviews, go to

bgmd's review against another edition

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Naturally, Charlie is the first novel by S.L. Scott and I was honored and excited to have the opportunity to read an advance copy.
Charlie (Charles) Adams and Charlie (Charlotte) Barrow meet across a crowded subway in Manhattan. They are 20-somethings working and living in the city, each looking for something more. Charlie (Charles) comes from wealth and society but rejects that to pursue his dreams of writing. Charlie (Charlotte) works in an auction house and is recovering from recent heartbreak.
The couple encounters one another again by chance on a busy Manhattan street and they decide to be friends. The journey of their friendship and love is the heart of this story. However, when Charlie (Charlotte) is about to declare her feelings, events from their past catch up with them and sadness ensues. Fortunately for the characters and the readers, there is a happily ever after.
Naturally, Charlie is a love story but it also teaches the very important lesson that you have to love yourself before you can truly love another. I must say I could not put this book down. I read it straight through in one sitting! I fell in love with the characters. I loved their banter, their games about whether words were real or not and their friendship. I laughed and cried along with them. The story is written using alternating points of view of the two Charlies, which I find a great writing technique as I always want to know how each character interprets the same situation. The backdrop of Manhattan life for 20-somethings was fun-- bars, clubs, coffee shops, offices and friends. It also enabled the reentry of the sub characters, which helped advance the story.
Naturally, Charlie is a well-written fast read that grabs you, takes you on a great ride, but lands you safely and happily at the end! I would recommend it as the perfect summer and vacation read. I look forward to more from S.L. Scott!

bridgetteramirez's review against another edition

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I think this one was more of a 2.5 for me.

stumpfed's review against another edition

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Super sweet and very cute.

mrsjhelms9910reader's review against another edition

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I loved this book. Charlie and well Charlie are a great pair of friends to lovers. :-) Charlotte aka Charlie is getting over the heartbreak of her break up with her fiancee and now he has died. One night she runs into Charlie on the subway. As her night goes on, she ends up going out to the club with her friend, rachel. Meanwhile, Charlie is also going out with his friend, Justin. They end up at the same place. Rachel and him end up talking and going on a few dates while Charlie goes home thinking about the connection they had. Time goes by and Charlie and Charlie run into each other again when going to funerals on the same day. They become fast friends and are there for each other! But after a dinner with Charlie's family things go bad for Charlotte when her past is brought up and she's realizes she not over losing her fiancee and everything that happened. Six months go by or so and she gotten help from seeing a therapist. Charlie during the whole time they were together and even when they weren't had written a book. She starts to read it realizing that it's their love story. She rushes to Charlie and they talk and seal it with a kiss! and they live happily ever after!

Seriously, loved this book. heck, I love all of s.l. Scott's books. I could read them forever. :-) anyways you should go read this book. ;-)

meghan_e's review against another edition

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White rich person living in Manhattan, making money from an aspirational job connects with the exact same person of the opposite gender, same name and everything.

And??? So??? What exactly is new and engaging about this???

Got to 34%, was bored, read some other reviews that convinced me my problems with the story wouldn't be overcome, moving on to the rest of my TBR.

2 star because it wasn't offensively bad, just boring to me. YMMV.

falulatonks's review against another edition

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In theory, I could adore this book? I like the idea of people becoming really good friends and it just working for them and that eventually falling into the most comfortable kind of love, and this book had that and did that aspect of it well. But - a) I found the writing dry and even a little stilted at points, dragging and getting involved in details that didn't give the lived-in feel that most extra details do in other books, and b) the idea of C.Adams "waiting" for C.Barrow to "realise" they were made for each other got on my nerves. It's not that he was a bad friend in the book - the friendship was great - but having that be a means to get to the relationship itself aggravated me a little bit, and i wish they'd held back on that.

Still, an easy read for a too-hot-to-concentrate afternoon, and I did like it!

jennfgarcia's review against another edition

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I want to start off by thanking The Writer's Coffee Shop and S.L. Scott for the ARC in exchange of a review.

To see more reviews go to my blog Italian Brat's Obsessions

When I began reading the book a week or so ago I became so frustrated because I only had time enough to read a page here and there. It was interesting and pulled me in, but I lacked the time to be able to sit and enjoy it. I didn't want to torture myself anymore so I put it down until last night. I was able to finish it in a couple of hours.

Naturally, Charlie is a great story about Charlotte and Charles, both ironically knick named Charlie. Cute, right? Their initial meeting was a run in on a train. One of those star crossed lover, meets destiny type of meetings. Then Charlotte goes to a club with her friend and sees Charlie there. Destiny, again. However, it's not all easy peasy. No, why would it be?

When they finally get their stuff together enough Charlie and Charlie go through this friendship type relationship and it's absolutely adorable. You have to read to find out how they make it work. If they do make it work, because honestly Charlotte has some demons and she's a broken girl who wants to love but doesn't trust men enough to give her heart over. Especially men like Charlie. And she's in denial through the whole friendship while Charlie knows exactly what he wants and is completely in love with her.

Their friendship was amazing. The laughs and fun they shared doing the most mundane things was so refreshing and wonderful. It wasn't an over the top type of fanfare, where he would whisk her off on a helicopter to take her to the most expensive places to eat. Their friendship wasn't about that. They baked, watched movies, and took naps on the couch. That made it so much more special because those things -the need to spend time with someone so much that you don't care what you do- are things we can all do and it made their relationship so much more heartfelt.

Honestly, the characters were great and realistic. Their friends were perfectly played for who they were, and they weren't over done. Charlotte's feelings and personal obstacles were relatable. And Charlie did the best he could to show her with out coming right out and saying it that he wanted her. She just needed her time. Charlie was sweet and caring with his own demons and problems, but he had long dealt with them. Unlike Charlotte who never truly had a chance to.

A couple of times I wanted to smack Charlotte and tell her to stop being so stupid ... to go get the man, but she couldn't.

The ending was perfect with a true Happily Ever After and the journey they took to get there was long and worth it. It made them so much stronger in the end.

amyma's review against another edition

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Cute storyline.