
INK: Fine Lines by Bella Roccaforte

cm636's review

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Did it really end like this!?? I'm confused. This book really is something.

melcheslog's review

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This book was quite good. It is not my normal choice and yet I still really got into the plot and the characters. Shay is an amusing and intriguing character very unlike the usual female characters usually written about. Eli and Aiden are the opposite of each other and are the stereotypical male characters. I liked how they all meshed well together and created such a suspenseful and captivating book. It is very well written and I really enjoyed it.

sodiana's review

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3.5 out of 5.

Wow. The introduction to the story line was well written with enough imagery and thought to keep me wanting to figure out what was truly going on. The characters had depth and some background and makes you feel like you can truly empathize with them. During some chapters I had epiphanies and the hints were fitting like gloves. I do have my suspicions on a few things, but since they weren't answered in this book I will wait until I get my hands on book two to see if they are answered.

The novel itself sets up a pretty mysterious paranormal plot.
There is Shay stuck in a love triangle between Eli and Aidan, both of whom are trying to protect her. Then there's the villain from her nightmares The Spectre. Is he a figment of Shay's imagination or has he become a tangible physical being from her dreams to commit all these murders? The murders The Spectre are doing are gruesome. Her nightmares are extremely vivid and real, which become the basis of her comic series. It's almost as if she's there through an out of body experience or The Spectre is letting her see what he's doing through his eyes, either consciously or subconsciously.

Shay is the protagonist in the novel, she's introduced as having overcome her state of vulnerability and to various degrees of depression. She's definitely torn between two males, both exes, whom used to all be really great friends. As the story progresses you start to see peaks of how she dealt with Aiden always leaving and how Eli was always there to pick up the mess. But she's also grown and become stronger and has given herself the ability to not fall prey to either of them, to stand up and be independent. But does she have enough will power to fight The Spectre and her nightmares?

Honestly, at first I didn't understand why Aiden and Eli are there, but they were good supporting characters. She revealed enough background and information on them to make you feel like you knew them enough, but not enough to know their entire story. We did get introduced to Shay's dad, who helps with the investigation from a police standpoint and another male character (forgot his name! -_-) who is the host of a paranormal show and Shay's confidant in everything paranormal going around her.

My only issue with Shay would have to be that during some parts of the novel, she was annoying me. I felt she was being to aloof and naive over the entire situation of the murder. It was as if she didn't wanna believe any of it; almost as if she was still in shock and taking it out on everyone with her sass. Despite that, overall I am keen on her, but I'm hoping she'll open her eyes more to see what's really going on.

As for a paranormal read, I'd recommend it since it's really about a 3.5/5 for me. It didn't necessarily had me on the edge dying to know what's going to happen next but it kept my interest enough to want to know more. Great introduction to the story and characters and it lays ground work for more things to come in the second book.

clairelm's review

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Disclaimer: I was given this book by the author in return for an honest review

Although it took a while to get into the story, I did quickly find that I enjoyed it although I really don't like Aiden, I much prefer the character of Eli, even with all his flaws.

chaotic_ramblings's review

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I've been holding on to this one for a few weeks now, I wasn't sure that I could handle something heavy at the time, and I am really glad that I waited. Shay is a typical girl torn between two loves, Aiden and Eli. To me they both seem like good choices, even though Aiden has a tendency to leave Shay just when things get serious.
Though that isn't the point of this book, Shay is having "dreams" of gruesome murders and while she believes that they are just dreams, reality proves that they are really happening and she is a suspect because she is using her dreams to "draw" her comic.

The ending is killing me, because I have been put on a book buying ban and can't get ahold of the next book in the series until next month :(

eternity21's review

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The main character draws comics and has been having dreams of a gorgeous guy but he is the one giving her ideas for her comic book. Then they seem to be coming true in real life. In between two guys who love her and trying to prove herself innocent she has her hands full.

This is a fairly quick read. I sometimes wanted to smack Shay up side the head. She sort of gets a little bit annoying going back and forth from guy to guy. This ends on a cliff hanger so be sure to have the next book ready.
I think I know what is causing the dreams. She was given an antique writing pen set. Perhaps it has powers of its own

suleika's review

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WOW! Why did I wait so long to read this one??? It was so good!!! Love the authors writing style. The story is told in different points of view which I absolutely loved. We have Shay the main character, she is a comic book creator/designer, we have Aiden the love interest (one of them) then there's Eli the other love interest, it's a love triangle of sorts. But then we have Gabriel, another love interest. The story has a paranormal feel and some things that make you wonder in the story what is Shay and also Gabriel. I normally dislike love triangles but this author really made it work for me, she really wrote it so well that you never really want one over the other, I wanted and fell in love with Aiden and Eli equally. They even become sort of friends at one point and I loved their bonding. There are also many other very interesting characters in the story. We have McNab, he is sort of a tv celebrity, he works investigating paranormal and unexplainable events that happen to people. He is by far the most interesting character I have ever read about and I am left wanting to know more about him. There is also Harry, Shays dad, also a great character and one that gives a point of view in the story. We have a character that vanishes and I was left wondering what happened.

I will finish my review saying that the story has a MAJOR cliffhanger and I was left wanting more. I need to know what happens next like yesterday. The author knows how write a big finish to a story for sure. I feel like I want to scream because I just need to know...

Awesome book! Automatic 5 stars from me. Finished with a BANG!