
Touched by Cyn Balog

seiraaa's review

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The writing was quite promising. Nick Cross was genuinely likable and sounded totally like a 17 year old guy with a supernatural ability. However, the 2nd half of the book was quite uninteresting and the ending was totally abrupt and quite unrealistic. I didn't exactly get attached. 2 stars.

em_reads_romancex's review

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The best book I've read in a really, really long time!!

sparklingreader's review

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I am a big fan of Cyn Balog - have enjoyed all her books, until now. Let me amend that - I didn't hate the book, I just didn't enjoy it as much as I did her other ones.

The main character, Nick (aka Crazy Cross), can see his own future. Any little thing he does to stray from the set path makes the future change, which also gives him a massive headache. In addition, his mother has the same ability. In her case, it's forced her to hole up in her room for the past ten years. Nan, Nick's grandmother, cares for both of them. The book begins with Nick straying from the path (for a good reason) and everything is up in the air from there.

As in all Cyn's books, the characters are well-crafted and believable. I especially liked Nan. Even the world building was well-done. What I had trouble with was the story - I found it confusing at times. But I will say that I did like the ending. That worked well for me. I just had a problem following the entire story.

recommendation: If you liked "Time Traveler's Wife", you will like this book. The writing is well done and the characters well-crafted. But be forewarned that it can be confusing at times.

lammerman's review

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heather4994's review

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Touched is the first novel I've read by Cyn Balog. I've wanted to read her novels for a very long time and with this cover, I just couldn't pass it up. However, I was a little disappointed with this one. Nick is cursed. He shares that with his mother. They can see the future and every little thing they do that veers them off the path that they follow changes that future. So, when he went off script to save Taryn from being run over by a truck, the little girl he knew he was supposed to save, drowned. And even though he saved a life, he's a wreck about it.

The changes in the future, when he goes off script, also hurt giving him painful headaches. He has to go on his knees and hold his head in agony. He's earned the nickname of Crazy Cross and has no friends, none. They, the changes in the script, also affect his mother who hasn't left her bed or room in years. His grandmother lives with them and they survive on her meager social security check. Nick has no dreams of going to college. He just tries to stay on script.

That is, until Taryn happens. For a brief moment, when he holds Taryn's hand, the future stops and his mind is blessedly silent of what he calls the "You Wills". He knows the answer to his curse lies with her because one of his possible futures lies with her. He knows things about her he could only know if he had spent time with her.

I will tell you that this book is a bit confusing when you read it. Or maybe my mind wasn't open enough when I read it. It took me a long time to understand what was going on. How Nick could know things that happened in the past when he only saw the future. And the beginning of the book is very confusing because you don't understand "the script" or the "You Wills" as he chants them like a mantra and goes over "the script" in his head.

I liked Nick somewhat. He was a caring person, selfless, but I didn't really feel like he was a whole person to me. He just fell a little flat. The same for Taryn. Their relationship was rushed and though I understood why he cared for her so much, I didn't see why she did. He didn't have anything going for him. He was painted as pitiful and pathetic and close to tears all the time. Not the kind of guy you swoon for. And the sympathy fell short as well.

But what got me the most was the ending. Way too easy. I think the middle of the book could have been drawn out a lot more. Maybe some scenes from his childhood could have made him a sympathetic character. But, as a whole the book just didn't have it, that thing that makes you sigh at the end. The first three fourths of the book felt very disconnected from the ending.

I did enjoy reading the book. The concept, once you get the hang of it, is amazingly unique. Gypsies are involved. Well, fortune teller/gypsies. No caravans like the ones in Kersten Hamilton's books, but still, they are involved. And there is a curse. The tale is so different from anything I've ever read, I know there isn't anything out there like it. So it's worth it just to read that part of it alone. And then to see how the future is affected by every little decision you make, that will make you think about what you do. Especially since this book is aimed at teens. And maybe the point wasn't so much about the characters as it was about the plot. And the plot was good.

I'm not a deep thinker when I read. I read for sheer entertainment. Take me out of my world and put me in another. So maybe I missed the lesson completely in this one. As I write this review, I'm thinking what would a teenager get from this? And I'm understanding what I'd want my teenager to get from this as he read. There is a definite message in here. Maybe it takes a while to sink in. But I think I get it now. And I don't think I'm as disappointed as I thought I was. Not at all!

I guess what I'm saying is, when you read this one, look beneath the words, which by the way was beautiful written, and look for the deeper meaning. It took me writing this review to see that. Duh!

Thanks to Delacorte Press and NetGalley for the ARC. This obviously in no way influenced my review. The opinions expressed are my own, completely.

raohyrule's review

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This would have been at least a 2.5 star book if it had... I don't know... An editor?

mrsjkamp's review

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See full review here!

3.5 stars

I really liked this one. It kept me guessing until the very end. And there were times where I was really shocked and needed to keep reading. But I still thought the end was slightly weak. The last few paragraphs started to wrap it up way too quickly. I don't ever want anything to drag out unnecessarily, but with the way this ends, it needed a little bit more to explain everything.

I liked that this was male POV. I always find that a refreshing change of pace. Books like [b:Anna Dressed in Blood|9378297|Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)|Kendare Blake||14261925] and [b:Freefall|6936391|Freefall|Mindi Scott||7168465] with male POV change it up for me. I read a lot of books with a female perspective. So I liked that about this book. I also liked the premise behind it. It's a bit confusing at the beginning, but after a while I got really into it. It seemed like it was going to be such a cluster for Nick's life, and I always wanted a happy ending for him. I liked him and Taryn. I wasn't sure I would, but I definitely felt for the characters.

Parts of this felt a bit overdone, but again, I liked it. I guess there was drama with this author, but I enjoyed the book anyway. It's different and enjoyable with a few WTF moments in there. I like that. :o)

dandelionking's review

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Great story. Great theme and moral. But too much Gypsie Magic.

suzannedix's review

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Reviewed by a 6th grade student: it is about a boy whose mother got a touch which is like a spell. His touch is called the eagle eye. he can see his future. He sees a girl who he has a crush on. He learns that she has to give out all of the touches or else she and her family will die.

This book is a good book. The plot was interesting it was very exiting. I felt like I knew the characters. 5 stars.

xread_write_repeatx's review

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I don't know why a lot of people didn't like this book, it was amazing to me; kinda like Num8ers & I LOVED that book, so it's no surprise, it's the same with this one. =)