
The Journal of Professor Abraham Van Helsing by Allen C. Kupfer

bookish_whispers's review

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I picked up this gem at a book sale forever and a day ago. Since then it has sadly been sitting collecting dust. Mostly because books likes these are one of my weakness. Gothic tales are my favorite, especially the original stories from the Victorian era. So I'm always on the lookout for retellings, or add-ons, to those stories I grew up loving. The Journal of Professor Abraham Van Helsing fit that bill to the letter. While packing for my trip it seemed like the perfect book to read in between whatever mischief I was going to be getting up to with my brother.

This is the story about how Abraham Van Helsing first learned about the vampire plague spreading across the globe. How the Professor became trapped into the world of the damned, and why he arrived in London to help fight against Dracula.

With all of the different mythos surrounding vampires these day because of TV shows and movies, it was nice to get back to the original mythology of these creatures. While some of their weaknesses have transcended from books to screen, a few of them have not. For example, anytime seeds are spilled on the ground the undead are compelled to stop and count them all. It's a small thing that even I had forgotten until diving back into the world of Dracula.

As for the story itself, I felt like the story flowed well. At times there are three different narrators, Van Helsing, Daniel Kupfer, and Professor Allen C. Kupfer. The shifts of each narration is easy to follow. I never had to take a step back to figure who was talking. I didn't mind the notes that Daniel Kupfer adds to Van Helsing's journal. They had an outside view at how Abraham changes from his visit to Dr. Borescu and his introduction to the vampire plague. It also adds a bit to how the world viewed those changes as madness. However I felt the footnotes that were added by Professor Kupfer were not really needed. Occasionally humorous, but really needed.

I was also a bit bummed that the journal skipped everything that happened to Abraham Van Helsing in London when he went up against Dracula. Whether this was a for copyright reasons, or an editing choice, I'm unaware. There was mention of the evens and references Dracula himself, but for the most part it felt ignored. Like it was something that Van Helsing went through, but no reason was given as to why he left no notes or entries about the events in London and Transylvania.

While it was good to see that after the events in London Van Helsing didn't stop trying to put an end to the plague sweeping the world, and to see him so close to answers. However, the ending itself felt a little rushed. As a whole I wasn't upset with how it ended. In fact I like that was sort of an open ending. Is Van Helsing alive or dead? Was he undead? I like that you don't really know, but the events themselves a bit a rushed. In fact I had to read the last few pages a couple of times because I felt like a missed pages, or maybe misread something. I had a lot of questions about how all of those events unfolded that never really got answered.

All-in-all, it was fun afternoon of reading. It made me want to pick up Dracula again and reread it. For what is probably the hundredth time by now. While not one of my favorites in the Dracula genre, The Journal of Professor Abraham Van Helsing is a fun read.

This review and others can be found at my blog, Bookish Whispers!

yorgabunz's review

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A nice quick little read (200 pgs) describing the events that thrust the world's most famous vampire hunter into his alternative profession. The tale of Dracula is mentioned briefly but his other exploits are the focus of this book.

kandicez's review

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My youngest son and I read this at Barne's and Noble's since I wouldn't lend him the money to buy it! It was entertaining...Once! I'm still glad he didn't spend the money!

_michelle_'s review against another edition

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God, this was stupid. It's like the author only has pop culture knowledge of Dracula, which is not a bad thing...unless you're trying to write a prequel story.

Van Helsing is such a nincompoop in this story that I will not accept it's the same character. Vampires keep trying to enter through windows, and every time someone or thing appears at the window, he's surprised, like it's a totally harmless bat just banging on a window and it's totally not even capable of rabies; or an unknown, wailing child in a tree outside his window just innocently climbed several stories for no reason. There's nothing weird about that! /sarcasm

Vampire bites have an immediate effect in this book, placing it at odds with the very book it's based on (it requires 3 feedings for a person to turn into a vampire in Dracula).

The vampire seductress being evil and Van Helsing's good little wife being pure came across as so on the nose that it was obvious the author was trying to allude to female sexuality topics mentioned in Dracula, but there were many layers to that original novel, including Victorian views on sexuality, buried just below the surface. This book beats you over the head with it.

This has none of the great writing or layers that Dracula did. I don't recommend it.